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Thread: Anyone interested in creating a MAIL script?

  1. #11


    I didn't use ;go2 mail in the script because for Icemule at least that brings you to the wrong room.

    You have to edit the values of the first 4 variables/lines in the script to make it work properly.

  2. #12


    Seems to get stuck here:

    Frae exclaims, "Sold for 1,000 silvers!"
    Frae takes the 1,000 silvers you offer in payment.
    He hands you a large burlap shipping sack and says, "Here's your purchase. Thanks for your patronage."
    [mail]>put my trident in my sack
    You put an acid-stained razern trident in your burlap shipping sack.
    [mail]>close my sack
    You close a large burlap shipping sack.
    [mail]>mail send redforge first
    You beckon a doddering dwarven postal clerk over and ask him to send a large burlap shipping sack to Redforge. He says, "Sure, I can send the sack to Redforge. It'll cost 7,350 silvers based on its weight and priority."

    If you're certain you'd like to send a large burlap shipping sack to Redforge, enter MAIL SEND REDFORGE again within 30 seconds.
    You must specify a mailing speed (standard, express, or first) because the sack does not have a stamp on it.

  3. #13


    Darn NPCs saying different things.

    Change the following line:

    if line =~ /will cost (.*) silvers? based/

    To this:

    if line =~ /cost (.*) silvers? based/

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
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    If you don't rename your script to femail you are a sexist.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    If you don't rename your script to femail you are a sexist.

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