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Thread: sea-charts: A narost derivative for OSA

  1. #11


    ah whoops. i'll have to be more careful when i move the gui around on my screen.

  2. #12


    i try to click a room, my wizard client crashes
    That's not expected. I'll look into it and have an update out today or tomorrow.

  3. #13


    Uploaded a temporary block for map drag functionality when running the Wizard and Lich 5 (Wrayth and Lich 4 or Lich 5 works fine. Wizard and Lich 4 works fine... it is just that one combination).

    This stops it from crashing out the client but loses the ability to just drag around the map. Scroll bars still work.

    I'll dig in more and get a proper fix, but crashing the client just isn't acceptable.

    If anyone running another front end encounters this, let me know and I'll block the code for that combination as well.
    Last edited by Jymamon; 12-02-2022 at 07:12 PM.

  4. #14


    This should now be fixed with version 2022.12.01.2. Let me know if you still see any issues.

  5. Default

    They're going to be releasing an installer for Ruby 3.2 and Lich 7 very soon. There are 2 items that were deprecated in Ruby that are in use here.

    File.exists? needs to be changed to File.exist? in sea-charts.

    Fixnum and Bignum are deprecated into Integer which those are used in the plugin.

    Excellent piece of work.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Nisugi View Post
    They're going to be releasing an installer for Ruby 3.2 and Lich 7 very soon. There are 2 items that were deprecated in Ruby that are in use here.
    Thanks for the head's up.

    Excellent piece of work.
    Thanks, but the real credit goes back to Tillmen for the original narost and Lost Ranger for the xnarost version I blatantly copied from.

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Nisugi View Post
    They're going to be releasing an installer for Ruby 3.2 and Lich 7 very soon. There are 2 items that were deprecated in Ruby that are in use here.

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