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Thread: spirit recovery backsword?

  1. #1

    Default spirit recovery backsword?

    You carefully inspect an imflass backsword
    It imparts a bonus of +17 more than usual.
    It is an enhancive item:
    It provides a boost of 1 to Spirit Recovery.
    This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 40 times.
    It provides a boost of 6 to Mana Recovery.
    This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 42 times.
    It provides a boost of 6 to Edged Weapons Ranks.
    This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 42 times.
    It provides a boost of 5 to Max Stamina.
    This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 9 times.
    It seems to have a lot of enhancive charges remaining.
    It will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.
    It appears to weigh about 3 pounds.

    whatcha think?

  2. #2


    Probably best saved to turn it into an orb. Garbage otherwise (IMO).

    I actually WOULD use it but I'm sitting here going "is the faster spirit recovery after spelling up worth keeping a 3 lb weapon littering my inventory?" and unfortunately, I'm leaning towards no.

    It's also an awful weapon base so only ambushers or dedicated backsword lovers would be using it.

    At best a CoL based ambusher might want it, but you won't really get much even then.

    (I could also be very, very wrong with my assessment)

  3. #3


    heh it was the first non attuned spirit recovery thing ive even seen cross my path so i snatched it up, you're prolly right and i kinda expected it to be not great considering the base, which i believe can be changed at DR or am i dreaming?

  4. #4


    It definitely has value as a spirit boost stick while resting but not for a main weapon, I think I bought one of those (runestaff +1 sprit rec) for 1-2m off PC a year ago, I keep it in warrior sheath so it weighs basically nothing but is good for times I really need to pump out that spirit after death or wracking
    Last edited by zhagen; 08-03-2022 at 04:23 PM.

  5. #5


    Since it's 1 spirit recovery, I don't think it can degrade further as a T2 orb, thus it's really easy to orb in this upcoming EG and put it on a dagger or something small as a fusion item. I have 2x +1 spirit recovery knuckles that I keep in on my DE sorcerer for those 712 retributions to 130 which drains like 10 spirit from him, and if I have to use a weak rez option. Symb Dreams + both of those items make getting back to full spirit much more tolerable!

  6. Default

    why haven't they made a slotted accessory item? only armor weapons.

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