;rogues can now master you in:
Stun Maneuvers
Lock Mastery
I'm finally getting around to finishing up ;rogue, since it's currently lacking Stun Maneuvers tasks and most Lock Mastery tasks. Rolled up a new rogue and everything to finish up this script. I'm also completely rewriting the entire script for all other tasks as well.
So who is going to be awesome and give me some guild voucher thingies so I code skipping tasks into the script? You know...for science!
Also is there a way to skip tasks without vouchers? I seem to recall someone telling me that the GMs made it so you can turn in a task once every 15 minutes, similar to how the Adventurer's Guild works, but I couldn't figure out how to do it.
Change log:
Version 3: Current achievable ranks: Lock Mastery: At least 30 Stun Maneuvers: At least 15
Version 4: Current achievable ranks: Lock Mastery: At least 40 Stun Maneuvers: At least 15
Version 4: Some Rogue guilds have toolbench rooms tagged as "rogue guild toolbenchs" and some have them tagged as "rogue guild workshop." The script was only using "rogue guild toolbenchs" tags to find toolbench rooms but now it is using both tags.
Version 5: Some tasks weren't being traded in even though they were set to be traded in. This has now been fixed.
Version 5: Possible bug fix?
Version 6: Fixed bug when script was trying to buy sacks to add clasps to. Script was just looking for "a sack" but now should look for "a sack" or "a small sack."
Version 7: Current achievable ranks: Lock Mastery: At least 50 Stun Maneuvers: At least 15
Version 8: Script should no longer unnecessarily drop wedges you have already created to use when on the task to create wedge for a footpad.
Version 9: Increased the difficulty of locks created for the "Create lock assemblies" lock mastery task because apparently the locks being created were too low to get a rep for some people.
Version 10: Current achievable ranks: Lock Mastery: MASTER Stun Maneuvers: At least 15
Version 11: Fixed bug with script not turning in created lockpicks for task.
Version 12: Fixed bug with task for creating wedges for footpads. Current achievable ranks: Lock Mastery: MASTER Stun Maneuvers: At least 30
Version 13: Fixed bug with Lock Mastery SENSE tasks.
Version 13: Fixed bug with Lock Mastery measure task.
Version 14: Current achievable ranks: Lock Mastery: MASTER Stun Maneuvers: MASTER
Version 15: Fixed bug with script getting stuck in footpad training room "Dark Corner" in certain towns.
Version 16: Changed script to try and keep lock mastery focus active during picking contests.
Version 17: Script should now successfully buy a sack in any general store for "Clasp some containers" tasks for Lock Mastery.
Version 18: You can now use stunning items that need to be held, before the script only worked with stunning items that were worn.
Version 19: All Subdue tasks have been added. Script can now master you in Subdue!
Version 20: Fixed bug with doing Customize Lockpick tasks for a footpad.
Version 21: Fixed bug with script getting stuck doing sweep dirt tasks.
Version 21: Script can now master the Sweep guild skill!
Version 21: Script can now help other people with their partner tasks. Do ;rogues for more info. Currently script can only help people with their Sweep partner tasks.
Version 21: Option to automatically use a Guild Profession boost in the setup menu. These boosts double the training points received for 30 minutes and don't stack with Guild Night. If option is set to "yes" the boost will be used right before turning in a task, as long as you don't already have a Guild Profession Boost active and Guild Night is currently not active.
Version 22: Fixed bug with script getting stuck if you already had a task for the skill you are training in when you started the script.
Version 22: Script can now get you to at least rank 44 in Cheapshots.
Version 23: There is now an option to have the script exit when receiving a critter task. This is so you can do the task manually. After you have completed the critter task then start the script again and it will turn in the task and continue on.
Version 24: Script can now master the Cheap Shots guild skill!