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Thread: PC on a morning-star

  1. Default PC on a morning-star

    Been a while since ive been in the merchanting game and looking for a price check on a morning-star....

    Descrip: a blackened arm-shaped morning-star
    Show: Crafted by a master of the trade, the steel haft is wrought in the semblance of a severed fire ogre arm with a splayed hand. Thin skeins of black silk resembling smoke trickle from the webbing between its fingers, while heavy chains hold in place the ball and chains triple teardrop-shaped heads. Spikes jut out from the dark metal, transitioning in color from midnight black at the tips to red, orange, and yellow at its furthest edges. Bold lettering near the grip proclaims, "Apocalypse, Arm of Terror." You notice a small enchanter's glyph and Gacks's crafting mark.

    Stats: 5lbs, +25, 217 diff, perfect forging-Gacks, SWCW-5CER ??/20, Fire flares-Custom Flare Message script

    Last edited by Captain Aar Matey; 01-18-2022 at 07:51 PM.

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