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Thread: Dartgate: Mintoxo vs the world

  1. #1

    Default Dartgate: Mintoxo vs the world

    All the dart-using whales out there need to rise up and help this guy. (No, I'm not gonna edit it, just read the bolded parts if you got boomer eyes.)

    [Help] Mintoxo: "On help, I doubt archwolf has critial bugs like not being able to fletch darts at all. Which has likely been around for decades but nobody sees it important enough to deal with. But still charge $15 a month."
    [Help] Mourike: "Mintoxo, this is really not the venue for you to vent your spleen about the relative value of the game, or it's lack. This is the help channel, not the gripe channel. Sorry, but no one is making you play, or pay. Don't like it? Hello Kitty Island Adventure is => that way."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "Testing rant OOC does this work?"
    [OOC] Fulmen: "Yes. It works."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "Okay whew I thought it would bug. I only pay $15 a month."
    [OOC] Fulmen: "Rants, however, have been discontinued this week."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "Awe too bad. If I payed a tier higher could I rant perhaps?"
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "So I'm basically screwed if I managed to lose the 3 darts the gm fixed. No others have exist in the game for decades."
    [OOC] Fulmen: "Why do you want a dart?"
    [OOC] Fulmen: "And why'd ya lose them?"
    [OOC] Sorgrad: "How did you lose them? Were they registered?"
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "The question should be. Why do you do the devs hate darts so much?"
    [OOC] Sorgrad: "I'm confused."
    [OOC] Fulmen: "More like, why you wanna break the game for a dart, bro?"
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Theres actually a legit reason."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "What reason? And how does it break the game?"
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Gaming darts are combat items... so combat items apply to the alter rules on them. the coding on them is very old and hasnt been revised."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "They dont function the same in combat as any other item... and they have unusual scripts to make them game."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "They had decades to fix them."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Sure but they havent needed to...."
    [OOC] Pietra: "But.... nobody else really cares."
    [OOC] Sorgrad: "I'm still confused. There are game darts that mintoxo wants to use for actual combat, is that it?"
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "I cared.... i had to pay 30m to make my darts eonake it was stupid."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "No."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "Maybe. but the one guy who does care happens to pay $15 for what sounds appealing."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Gaming darts are daggers."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Mechanically."
    [OOC] Pietra: "Heh, peanuts."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "They existed before the combat darts..."
    [OOC] Sorgrad: "Ok, I'm with you so far. So they're daggers. What's the big problem here?"
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "They are daggers that have been half-recoded."
    [OOC] Sorgrad: "Daggers that are called darts and scripted."
    [OOC] Pietra: "I just don't see how darts are a viable weapon choice."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Theres a lot of restrictions mostly cause the gms dont know how to work them."
    [OOC] Sorgrad: "Are there *actual* darts in the game now too?"
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Ok i feel like theres confusion here.... there are two types of darts."
    [OOC] Archales: "You can poison them."
    [OOC] Archales: "That's better."
    [OOC] Bakarus: "But who would do such a thing."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "There are gaming darts and thrown weapon darts."
    [OOC] Archales: "I tried it just to see if I could make it work."
    [OOC] Sorgrad: "So gaming darts are used as non-thrown daggers."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Old boys darts are gaming darts.."
    [OOC] Archales: "Wasn't bad until around 40 when things had heavier armor."
    [OOC] Maze: "What if I want to throw a game?"
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "Yeah the gaming darts I don't care about. Just the combat ones."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Yes you can stab with gaming darts."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "If you look at your darts and they are bundled Mintoxo."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "And have your initials or something."
    [OOC] Peche: "Didn't he say he lost all 3 that were created for him?"
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Those are garming darts and cannot be thrown in combat."
    [OOC] Sorgrad: "No one uses thrown weapons afaik, they stink."
    [OOC] Archales: "So you just need another fletched dart?"
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Yeah if they are three darts and look the same... they are gaming darts not combat darts."
    [OOC] Sorgrad: "Other than hurled mauls or something silly."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "No I have 3 separate darts that only fixed only from a GM. The other single one I have the person had to dig around incredibly hard to find. Its dumb."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "What did the gm fix?"
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "What was broken?"
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "The darts I have arn't bundled. Just 3 and if I lose them no more darts for life."
    [OOC] Maze: "Any GM will tell you the thrown system is way out of date but isn't a priority."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "You can't fletch darts at all. They come out as arrows everytime."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Oh fletched darts.. yeah."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Fletched darts are broken."
    [OOC] Archales: "That sucks I used to have herberto make them for me all the time."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "When naijin made the updates to fletching he broke darts."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "What a fucking idiot. Should unmod naijin then hopefully isn't a around anymore. Or if he is I'll raise hell."
    [OOC] Pietra: "Damn, that's a lot. It's darts, dude."
    [OOC] Ensayn: "Chill out there angry guy."
    [OOC] Sorgrad: "Yeah chill dude."
    [OOC] Fulmen: "Naijin updated a ton of stuff recently, and it's helpful. Chill."
    [OOC] Bexol: "Well with disloge sometimes the arrows turn into to the old kind of arrows and sometimes they decay."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "I wanna harass him."
    [OOC] Dicate: "Imagine using darts to hunt and calling someone an idiot."
    [OOC] Uhlak: "Mintoxo keep going. No, seriously. I want to watch this eruption. Because I already know what happens. They slap you with HMC, you make an errant statement of anger towards one of the devs and GM's, and suddenly you're Rendena'd. Banned."
    [OOC] Sorgrad: "You go do that. Good luck to you <washes hands of the entire matter>"
    [OOC] Pietra: "Well that's a waste of your big spending $15.00. bye dude."
    [OOC] Ensayn: "You want to harass a GM and are announcing it on a simu monitored channel?"
    [OOC] Uhlak: "I can't WAIT for that. Keep going! Please!"
    [OOC] Meit: "This really doesn't belong here. Please stop."
    [OOC] Pietra: "Well it's OOC, so yeah."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "I was advised to come here."
    [OOC] Kaldonis: "Just because it's OOC doesn't mean you can't violate policy. I've seen two in as many minutes."
    [OOC] Sorgrad: "It's one thing to come here, it's another to ... that."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Ooc just means you can talk out of character.... its still subject to POLICY."
    [OOC] Uhlak: "You were advised incorrectly. Your issue is something to post on the official forums. And the mechanics channel of Discord. Period."
    [OOC] Pietra: "Let him go off. *shrug*."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "$15 and I can't rant. Okay."
    [OOC] Chamorr: "Lets revolt, overthrow the GMs, kill da hamsters."
    [OOC] Uhlak: "Not here you can't."
    [OOC] Pietra: "You CAN rant, but you might not enjoy what happens."
    [OOC] Meit: "Ranting is one thing, but threatening staff and using swear words are both against the rules."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Yeah just post your issue on discord mechanics thats where naijin will likely see it. but be civil... flys... vinegar... honey something."
    [OOC] Fahlo: "You can rant- for sure, it's just profanity is not allowed on a moderated channel due to policy."
    [OOC] Fahlo: "If folks don't want to listen to your rant, they can easily ESP IGNORE <character>"
    [OOC] Uhlak: "You wanna curse or be a rager, do it on Lich."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "Right my bad I thought language was only for in character. Figured OOC would be different but I guess not?"
    [OOC] Ensayn: "You thought OOC should give you the right to be verbally abusive and threatening?"
    [OOC] Pietra: "It's amulet, monitored like regular ESP, you can just talk about mechanics and other ooc type stuff."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "$15 to be threntend with bans btw."
    [OOC] Fahlo: "If you use the POLICY command you can check out what is and isn't permitted."
    [OOC] Pietra: "All you have to do is not be a jerk. It's not that hard."
    [OOC] Sorgrad: "$15 to be in the sandbox with us. If you don't like the sandbox rules they ban ya <shrugs>"
    [OOC] Fulmen: "I'm just going to add you to ignore and call it good."
    [OOC] Masuda: "I'll give you $15 to cancel your account."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "Wow these policies."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "So these 22 gms. Do they play the game or?..."
    [OOC] Roblar: "Yes."
    [OOC] Pietra: "OMG dude."
    [OOC] Chamorr: "They play darts instead."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "Is Naijin still a gm? Is he getting a % of my 15 a month?"
    [OOC] Pietra: "Dude."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Gms arent paid."
    [OOC] Uhlak: "Wyrom gets paid."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "I'm just sayin maybe he shouldn't be a GM if hes breakin stuff."
    [OOC] Uhlak: "And makes a commission for the events he creates and hosts."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Wyrom is also product manager not a gm."
    [OOC] Uhlak: "Yup!"
    [OOC] Pietra: "Nobody cares about your opinion, just STOP."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "I feel scammed though."
    [OOC] Pietra: "Okay Karen."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Mintoxo have you met Scooter? i think you two would be gooooooooood friends."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "This Naijin person is pretty interesting."
    [OOC] Chandrellia: "Well cancel your subscription and go play Everquest and stop your QQibg."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "Well I mean one of the most popular MMOs isn't even $15 a month come on."
    [OOC] Pietra: "THEN GO PLAY THAT."
    [OOC] Chandrellia: "Well go play that then, if you arenthappy with it, then move along, not like we'll miss you."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "FF14 is cheaper than a text based adventure."
    [OOC] Chandrellia: "Dude seriously, you suck at Trolling, stop, get better material and try again."
    [OOC] Peggyanne: "Mintoxo i want you to start thinking to Balwrath... he and you will be greatest of friends..."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "But I already paid for the text based adventure. and got rubbed."
    [OOC] Pietra: "Then you got your money's worth."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "If I was a whale would they fix the simple bug?"
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "We need a whale that cares enough about the bug."
    (And he's still ranting in the same theme. I'd say he was deliberately trolling but he's legit risking his account saying some of these things on an official channel under the control of POLICY, so I think he's just dumb as shit instead.)
    Last edited by Merzbow; 11-13-2021 at 09:06 PM.

  2. #2


    Oh, it gets better, turns out he's that reddit dumbass too:

    [OOC] Mintoxo: "That probably the same mindset Naijin had when he screwed up fletching."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "He should be banned from coding anything in his life."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "The reddit guy that complained about $15 a month? Yes that was me. I actually gave it a try and got scammed lmao go figure."

  3. #3


    Darts are serious business.

  4. #4


    Can't you buy darts in a weapon store? Or buy one of those dart making boxes?
    I don't use Lich. If you want to do business with me, contact me via PM, IG, or on AIM. Or maybe use smoke signals. Don't like it, get off of my lawn.

  5. #5


    [OOC] Mintoxo: "Why did they send somebody other than Naijin to talk with me about the broken system. I want to hear his response to his mistake from 20yrs ago and how he plans to fix it for paid subscribers."
    [OOC] Pietra: "Naijin doesn't owe you anything."
    [OOC] Giantphang: "Whoever they sent lost a bet."
    [OOC] Leafiara: "Naijin wasn't even on staff until like two years ago."
    [OOC] Roblar: "20 yr ago huh?"
    [OOC] Kisun: "Did you hear your parents response to their mistake before you were born? You won't hear a response about anything lol."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "For $15 a month Naijin should have came to me personally and crafted every single different dart availble in the game."
    [OOC] Leafiara: "Lol."
    [OOC] Kisun: "For $15 a month you can save a starving kid in detroit.."
    [OOC] Luxelle: "It may be time to invoke the Troll Rule. "Do Not Feed the Energy Monster."."
    [OOC] Chandrellia: "Wow Mint, what would you want if you paid 40 a month?"
    [OOC] Pietra: "I can think of things... but I can't SAY them."
    [OOC] Kisun: "If you think dart prices are bad, you should look up how much good shit in the game actually costs."
    [OOC] Mintoxo: "Oh for 40 they should meet me irl for a blowjob. Yeah."

  6. #6


    What a joke, someone should make a dart and toss it at his neck.

  7. #7


    Luckily he's the only one that pays a monthly fee, or else Simu would owe everyone a GM at their beck and call for $15 every month.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Velfi View Post
    Luckily he's the only one that pays a monthly fee, or else Simu would owe everyone a GM at their beck and call for $15 every month.
    Not to mention the blow jobs.
    I don't use Lich. If you want to do business with me, contact me via PM, IG, or on AIM. Or maybe use smoke signals. Don't like it, get off of my lawn.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Archigeek View Post
    Not to mention the blow jobs.
    True, though that seems more like a water for Fyre Festival type situation.

  10. #10


    If 40 bucks a month warrants you getting a blowjob whenever you want I wonder what I'm entitled to with how much I give Simu every month.

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