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Thread: butterfly charms!

  1. #1

    Default butterfly charms!

    "a butterly charm"

    I do not recall exactly where these came from. They are pin-worn, scripted items that may have been from the feithidmor incident or a similar WL storyline from decades ago. I have three (colors below), MB on each is 250k.

    >look my charm
    Wrought from delicate silver, the head and thorax of the charm are encrusted with tiny pure white diamonds, while the graceful opaque wings are formed of pure spidersilk.

    The rose-colored flametail butterfly has tiny ruby red crescents scattered across the forewing with tiny cloudy white veins nearly covering the hindwing.

    Engraved in tiny script on the underside of the abdomen are the words:

    "Among butterflies and souls, no two are identical."

    There are several verb traps:

    >tap cha
    You gently tap your butterfly charm upon the proboscis, causing it to flutter its dark violet wings at you.
    >turn cha
    Your dark violet ruffle-wing butterfly flutters upwards, turning in the air to display the ebony veins and silvery-blue veins along its wings before settling back down.
    >rub cha
    You rub your finger gently over your dark violet butterfly charm's feelers. Odd, you could swear you just heard a tiny, silvery giggle.
    >poke cha
    You poke at your ruffle-wing butterfly charm, but it flies out of reach with a flutter of dark violet wings.
    >kiss cha
    Your dark violet ruffle-wing butterfly flutters up and beats its wings lightly against your lips. Butterfly kisses!
    >push cha
    You give your butterfly charm a gentle push, and it flies up into the air for a moment, its wings whirring back and forth in a flurry of ebony tinged dark violet light before returning to its resting place.
    >tickle cha
    You slyly tickle the thorax of your ruffle-wing butterfly, and the charm warms to your touch before something that feels remarkably like a sneeze tickles your finger right back.

    I have three of these, with different colors in the SHOW:

    The rose-colored flametail butterfly has tiny ruby red crescents scattered across the forewing with tiny cloudy white veins nearly covering the hindwing.

    The dark violet ruffle-wing butterfly has small ebony veins nearly covering the forewing with large soft grey crescents near the tip of the hindwing.

    The rose-colored fairywing butterfly has tiny creamy yellow veins near the apex of the forewing with medium-sized cloudy white spots along the inside of the hindwing.
    Jellybeard exclaims, "Wait, who said festering taint and Jeril? No repeats!"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    an orbit gone wrong
    Blog Entries


    They were from the butterfly festival.
    You had better pay your guild dues before you forget. You are 113 months behind.

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