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Thread: Official ;tpick changes and discussion

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    N Topsail Beach NC


    This might be my biggest issue with it. I will try and pick a level 80's lock with no lore. Anything in the 90's, when the worker says here is a box from this critter (level 94), i will 403 right then before i pick it. That way i dont run the chance of breaking a pick with a 10 roll or something. I dont try it first, then cant get it, and then use 403. Its kind of backwards but what can you do. You almost need a setting that says....What level do you 403 before you pick, and then we insert what level we want.
    Last edited by Adequate Picker; 03-24-2021 at 12:27 AM.
    Left handed, right handed, it doesn't matter. I'm amphibious.

  2. #12


    Fixed a bug where if you found the true lock difficulty while picking and using any of the following modes; "always use vaalin", "start with copper", or "picks to use based on level", the script didn't switch to the best lockpick given this new data. This should work for all these modes now.

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Adequate Picker View Post
    So, it looks like its all working ok, except for casting 403 when i roll decently hard with a vaalin pick. If i roll a 55-60 and no read, then i always cast 403. Not doing that with the script.
    Uploaded a new version that should cast 403 if you're using a vaalin lockpick and roll higher than your "vaalin lock roll" amount. If you're already using a vaalin lockpick + 403 and roll higher than your "vaalin lock roll" amount and still can't pick the lock then the script will determine that you can't pick the lock.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alastir View Post
    I'd like the option to trash jaws and needles. And to also leave scarabs on the ground.
    Why would you want to leave scarabs on the ground?

    Quote Originally Posted by Adequate Picker View Post
    You almost need a setting that says....What level do you 403 before you pick, and then we insert what level we want.
    I can look into it.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    N Topsail Beach NC


    I just ran the script through a dozen or so boxes and worked like a champ. If i get a trap, it tries it once and calcs my numbers and if it sees i need 404, it casts it and disarms and moves along nicely. Picking now works with different picks real nicely as well.

    The only thing i can not get it to do is cast 403. I had a level 102 box that had rolls in the 50's and 60's with no reads. It should have casted 403 then but did not. Under Spells, 403 is set to no. 404 is set to no.

    I have my lock roll set to 55 so if it rolls a 55 with a copper and no open, it moves up to a steel and so on. There is no where to go after a vaalin so if i rolled a 55 and nothing, then the script should cast 403 for me, i would think. Maybe it does already and i just have a setting wrong, dunno. Ohter than that its rolling nicely.
    Left handed, right handed, it doesn't matter. I'm amphibious.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    N Topsail Beach NC


    Ignore my last post, it worked! I may have had my vaalin roll too high. Dropped it to 55 and i just did a level 103 box with a 89 roll and no read. It cast 403 right after that and worked like a champ. Woo!

    Many thanks!
    Left handed, right handed, it doesn't matter. I'm amphibious.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Adequate Picker View Post
    Ignore my last post, it worked! I may have had my vaalin roll too high. Dropped it to 55 and i just did a level 103 box with a 89 roll and no read. It cast 403 right after that and worked like a champ. Woo!

    Many thanks!
    Woot! Awesome.

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Why would you want to leave scarabs on the ground?
    I pick in my private property with my rogue alt. He doesn't need to horde them.

  8. Default

    As a bard lockpicker, about 25% of the time the loresong does not yield any information about the lock size and the script hangs. I havent figured out why, but if more information would be helpful I could post here next time it comes up

    I manually type in a new loresing "box in my hand; what is your lock I demand" to get the lock size to show up, and the script moves on.

    I think this started happening a couple years ago when there were some loresong changes.
    Comment removed by community filter, pending further review.

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by gilchristr View Post
    As a bard lockpicker, about 25% of the time the loresong does not yield any information about the lock size and the script hangs. I havent figured out why, but if more information would be helpful I could post here next time it comes up

    I manually type in a new loresing "box in my hand; what is your lock I demand" to get the lock size to show up, and the script moves on.

    I think this started happening a couple years ago when there were some loresong changes.
    Weird. Is this with pool picking or no? Can you provide a log?

  10. #20


    Still getting an issue when failing to gather all coins. See log below. This is ;tpick version 324.

    [tpick: Checking for traps.]
    [tpick]>disarm #94962716
    You carefully begin to examine a scratched gold coffer for traps...
    You discover no traps.
    Roundtime: 4 sec.
    [tpick: No trap found.]
    [tpick: Always use vaalin setting enabled, using a vaalin lockpick.]
    [tpick]>get #93625514
    You remove a vaalin lockpick from in your shadowy black pants.
    [tpick: Attempting to pick lock.]
    [tpick]>lmas ptrick bend #94962716
    You carefully bend the tip of your vaalin lockpick slightly, adjusting it for a better angle, before attempting to pick the lock on a scratched gold coffer...
    You make an excellent attempt (d100=91).
    You struggle with the coffer. As you do, you get a sense that the coffer has an extremely difficult lock (-1020 thief-lingo difficulty ranking). Then...CLICK! It opens!
    [tpick]>put #93625514 in #93625509
    You put a vaalin lockpick in your shadowy black pants.
    Total boxes picked: 54308
    Total time picking: 954679.96 seconds
    Average time per box: 17.58 seconds
    Boxes remaining: 19
    Estimated time remaining: 334.02 seconds
    [tpick]>open #94962716
    You open a scratched gold coffer.
    [tpick]>look in #94962716
    In the gold coffer:
    Special [1]: some silver coins
    Total items: 1
    [tpick]>get #94962717
    You gather 326 of the coins.
    [tpick]>get #94962717
    You gather 293 of the coins.
    --- Lich: error: String can't be coerced into Integer
    tpick:1963:in `+'
    tpick:1963:in `block (2 levels) in _script'
    Name: Rakip Race: Human Profession: Rogue (shown as: Outlaw)
    Gender: Male Age: 25 Expr: 31,362,378 Level: 100
    Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
    Strength (STR): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
    Constitution (CON): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
    Dexterity (DEX): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
    Agility (AGI): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
    Discipline (DIS): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
    Aura (AUR): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
    Logic (LOG): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
    Intuition (INT): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
    Wisdom (WIS): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
    Influence (INF): 74 (12) ... 74 (12)
    Mana: 309 Silver: 21,570
    Total boxes picked: 10
    Total silvers gained: -69

    uncut diamond x1
    green moonstone x2
    water sapphire x2
    banded onyx x1
    star ruby x1
    yellow hyacinth x

    wolifrew lichen x1

    sapphire-inset necklace x1

    steel lockpick x1

    thick gold ring x1

    silver wand x1

    rosespar x2
    --- Lich: tpick has exited.

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