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Thread: Terrorists break into US Capitol Building

  1. #11
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    Inside the House chamber.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  2. #12
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    What a grand time to be alive.

    The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ~ Marcus Aurelius
    “It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

    “The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by caelric View Post
    Well, I mean, when rioters were burning buildings and cities across the US, CNN referred to them as 'mostly peaceful protests'. But I suppose when it is Trump supporters doing it, it's clearly terrorists.

    To be clear, I think both groups are wrong, and should be arrested and imprisoned. But the obvious double standards in the media are disgusting.
    There are many peaceful protestors in DC today.

    There are only terrorists breaking into the US Capitol building.

    Hope that helps clear up any confusion you had about the terms and their use in this thread.

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by caelric View Post
    Well, I mean, when rioters were burning buildings and cities across the US, CNN referred to them as 'mostly peaceful protests'. But I suppose when it is Trump supporters doing it, it's clearly terrorists.

    To be clear, I think both groups are wrong, and should be arrested and imprisoned. But the obvious double standards in the media are disgusting.

    93% of BLM protests were peaceful.

    This is something else entirely, and you know it. And you know why it happened.

    This is what will continue to happen if the Republican party doesn't stop going down this dark path.

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post

    93% of BLM protests were peaceful.

    This is something else entirely, and you know it. And you know why it happened.

    This is what will continue to happen if the Republican party doesn't stop going down this dark path.
    Bull Shit.

    Yes, 93% of the protests were peaceful (if that is even correct). 7% of them weren't, and they caused billions of dollars worth of property damage. But CNN reporting 'mostly peaceful protests' with fires burning in the background is one of many examples of the extremely biased media.

    Of the the protests in DC, the majority is also peaceful. The ones that broke into the Capitol building are certainly not peaceful, and I hope they get arrested and sent to prison. If CNN applied the same standards here as they did tpo the BLM protests, they would again, report on 'mostly peaceful protests' with people breaking into the Capitol in the background.

    Also, the current pro-Trump protests have a long, long way to go before they cause billions of dollars in damage.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by caelric View Post
    Bull Shit.

    Yes, 93% of the protests were peaceful (if that is even correct). 7% of them weren't, and they caused billions of dollars worth of property damage. But CNN reporting 'mostly peaceful protests' with fires burning in the background is one of many examples of the extremely biased media.

    Of the the protests in DC, the majority is also peaceful. The ones that broke into the Capitol building are certainly not peaceful, and I hope they get arrested and sent to prison. If CNN applied the same standards here as they did tpo the BLM protests, they would again, report on 'mostly peaceful protests' with people breaking into the Capitol in the background.

    Also, the current pro-Trump protests have a long, long way to go before they cause billions of dollars in damage.
    93% means there were zero issues at 93% of them. The 7% represents any sort of incident- it doesn't mean that it was mass chaos. They weren't trying to overthrow the fucking government.

    And that's what is going on right now. Trump incited these people into violence, and they are fucking storming the US Capitol in some bizarre insurrection attempt to try to stage a coup and keep Congress from finalizing the results of the free and fair elections we just had.

  7. #17
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    Senate side has been cleared by Police.
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  8. Default

    Right vishra trump bad man touched you in bad place we get it.

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    93% means there were zero issues at 93% of them. The 7% represents any sort of incident- it doesn't mean that it was mass chaos. They weren't trying to overthrow the fucking government.

    And that's what is going on right now. Trump incited these people into violence, and they are fucking storming the US Capitol in some bizarre insurrection attempt to try to stage a coup and keep Congress from finalizing the results of the free and fair elections we just had.
    If you don't think the billions of dollars of damage, as well as the thousands upon tens of thousands of violent rioters represented mass chaos, you're a complete fucking idiot.

  10. #20


    If these had been BLM protesters- they'd be dead.

    It's honestly time to invoke the 25th Amendment. Trump is dangerous, and enough is enough.

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