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Thread: Windows 10 and Wizard FE

  1. Default Windows 10 and Wizard FE

    Hey everyone,

    The single Lich installer works perfectly, but i'm having major difficulty installing the Wizard Front End. Has anyone else been able to get this installed on Windows 10?

    The "Wise" installer bombs out at "Searching for Wizard Front End". Windows event logs show it's a temp file that's causing some sort of exception and killing the installer. I've tried fiddling with the compatibility settings, running the installer as Admin, disabling UAC, Disabling AV, etc. It just keeps shutting down before the binaries are installed.

    Any suggestions? I'm at the point of just creating a VM to play in at this point...

  2. Default

    A long hang is common installing the Wizard FE but usually resolves within 5 minutes on machines using Win10 when I reinstall. If you are retrieving download packages individually and running locally, try deleting those and any SIMU folders already created, and then login through the site, go to character selection, choose Wizard FE radial, and then hit play (not the download link) and have the Wizard FE install that way. If already installed, a .sal file is created which you would then run.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Furryrat View Post
    A long hang is common installing the Wizard FE but usually resolves within 5 minutes on machines using Win10 when I reinstall. If you are retrieving download packages individually and running locally, try deleting those and any SIMU folders already created, and then login through the site, go to character selection, choose Wizard FE radial, and then hit play (not the download link) and have the Wizard FE install that way. If already installed, a .sal file is created which you would then run.
    I wish the problem was a long hang. It does hang for a moment, but then the entire process dies. I'll try clearing out all Simu software and trying again.

    After selecting "Wizard FE" and then clicking "Play", won't it attempt to download the FE via the Launcher? Or should I clear out Launcher and start over completely?

    Thanks again for your response!!

  4. Default

    I'd clear out the launcher too. I've not had to install the launcher separately for Wizard since the 90's. But yeah, it does work on Win10, it's all I have ever and will ever use to play GS, so keep messing with it.
    Last edited by Furryrat; 08-24-2020 at 01:29 PM.

  5. Default

    Blah. Cleared everything out and started fresh. Same thing.

    Launcher attempts to "update" the Wizard, it downloads the installer, runs it, then several seconds in and crashes. Windows logs show a problem with a temp file it creates.

  6. Default

    I'd start up a pen and paper DnD group. No delete and reinstall required, unless they are shitty friends.
    Click the link above to see how much you owe the government.

    "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
    -Superracist, Joe Biden

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    -My favorite liberal

  7. Default

    I'm considering taking it a step further and doing a pen and paper GemStone IV group. Just need to find some fixed dice so I can mimic that awesome rng.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage View Post
    I'd start up a pen and paper DnD group. No delete and reinstall required, unless they are shitty friends.
    Quote Originally Posted by Brantharix View Post
    I'm considering taking it a step further and doing a pen and paper GemStone IV group. Just need to find some fixed dice so I can mimic that awesome rng.
    Oh snap, this actually sounds dope as hell.
    Wyrom: Crux already died for our sins.
    SEND[Kenstrom] Behold Dark Cruxophim, Blood Reaver and Weaver of Shadows, eater of Rooks, corruptor of orphans, flayer of flesh...but won't read a letter from some dying woman's diary, haha.
    Thadston says, "Stand down Baron, and your men. Or I swear to Koar, Liabo, Lornon, Cruxophim, I will release your daughter and watch her die right here."
    Stormyrain evenly asks, "Did you just make Cruxophim a god?"
    --Order of the Shadow--

  9. #9


    If you have Discord go to the Gemstone IV server, the Help channel, and ping Doug. When it comes to getting peoples game up and running he is Magic.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Minneapolis, MN


    Windows 10 is stupid when it comes to handling some older software. I don't use Wizard FE, but last company I worked with they hadn't updated their software to work properly with Windows 10. Their software worked on Windows 95 (yes, one customer still ran Windows 95 on an old ass computer...but the software ran and he functioned his small business on it) thru Windows 7. We never had to try and install on Windows 8/8.1....I suppose it may have been a clusterfuck of a chore like it is with Windows 10.

    We had to do a bunch of permission changes on files and change ownership as well for .dll files under the System 32 folder and manually select a new location to install the software. We had to get things to install in the "Program Files" folder, not the defaulted "Program Files (x86)" folder that Windows wanted the software to get installed under, otherwise the software itself wouldn't know where to look to find the files it needs (yes, the software itself is ignorant of the "Program Files (x86)" folder. They wrote the software so long ago and never updated it...the software required all files to be in the System 32 and Program Files folder, any other locations and the software wouldn't run).

    Hopefully you can figure it out. My guess would be a windows issue - it's trying to access a file that's not being allowed to be used/setup properly due to the installation location.

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