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Thread: Close to cap and looking for a bandits stepping stone/guideline build

  1. #1

    Default Close to cap and looking for a bandits stepping stone/guideline build

    Im 4 levels from cap and have a fixskill available. I want to be on the stepping stone path of a soloing or 1 other partner Bandit Bounties build.
    So Im assuming I will need to swap some skills around to gain some ranks in Cmans, survival and maybe a few ranks in dodge and/or MoC. I know solo Bandits are a beyond cap thing BUT I do ok against em now as long as i keep 402, 919, small statue rub and a cube rub up and running. Im not interested in hunting anything else other than bandits for a while due to having nearly 300 bounty task waivers and only short period of time to play at night. (I think the bounty boosts should get me to capped or very close to it on bandit tasks alone) So I'm looking to tweak my characters skills a bit more to not take such a beating on the bandit openers and traps. I know as a pure i cant mitigate the openers completely but a goal would be to reduce the 6-8 round stuns to 1-2 rounds and preferably stop the bleeders and trap effects especially when im leading a bandits group.

    For armor i use 4x HCP doubles and for weapon i switch between T2 Parasite runestaff and T2 Souleater steam flares. If either matters in any way...

    Here is my skills now... (This training path was set for a Rapid Fire (0sec cooldown) 903/518 steam build with mana leech utility for OTF. which worked excellent BTW but i quickly lost interest in OTF when i kept getting my weapons stolen from me over and over again)

    Quick note: going to 2x spells instead of 3x spells gives me enough TP's for approximately 60 ranks of CM's or 50 survival ranks and 50 CM's but puts me at 96 Major 50 minor 50 wizard. Id assume tinkering my spell ranks would be the only way of achieving what im trying to accomplish at a pre cap level.

    Im also not opposed to switching things up away from steam and going with a slightly more mana costly fire splash build since my attunement is fire lore. id assume this would be beneficial working with MoC ranks for splash and FoF bonuses. I would also assume that the recommended CM to train in would be cunning defense correct?

    Aar (at level 96), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
    Skill Name | Current Current
    | Bonus Ranks
    Armor Use..........................| 70 15
    Physical Fitness...................| 194 94
    Arcane Symbols.....................| 200 100
    Magic Item Use.....................| 200 100
    Spell Aiming.......................| 292 192
    Harness Power......................| 195 95
    Elemental Mana Control.............| 292 192
    Spirit Mana Control................| 74 16
    Elemental Lore - Air...............| 90 20
    Elemental Lore - Fire..............| 120 30
    Elemental Lore - Water.............| 120 30
    Perception.........................| 200 100
    Climbing...........................| 150 50
    Swimming...........................| 150 50

    Spell Lists
    Major Elemental....................| 70

    Spell Lists
    Minor Elemental....................| 70

    Spell Lists
    Wizard.............................| 81
    Training Points: 139 Phy 0 Mnt (2666 Phy converted to Mnt)
    (Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)

    304 days remain until the annual FIXSKILLS is to be granted, on 05/20/2020.

    Your 30 day migration period will begin when you choose to degrade a skill.

    Further information can be found in the FAQs.

  2. #2


    Get more earth lore for multiple timestop uses per day. That's the biggest single survival benefit against bandits

  3. #3


    The one thing you need, my pure wizard does as well, is CM. My UAC wizard is 1X in CM and he does great against bandits solo. He uses cubes and statues and gets the occasional stun but generally does pretty well.

  4. #4


    319 from magic items significantly tips the balance during bandit and escorts bounties.

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