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Thread: Rising right wing violence

  1. #791
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I can find plenty of pics of neo-nazi mobs with masks and link plenty of articles about them using violence.
    Of course you can, the left wing media goes into a frenzy when ever there is so much as a Blip from the right with what they consider 'nazi'. Articles and pics are easy to find.

    When the left do as much, it tends to get buried because it don't fit the narrative.

    But hey keep up glued to your MSNBC and CNN. Great impartial reporting they have...

    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    You make the claim, the burden of proof is on you.
    Why should I, anyone who has backed up what they said, you only ignored and continued spouting your bullshit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    BLM is not a violent movement.
    Nah, shutting down Gay pride by blockading it in Toronto, while getting in physical altercations with counter protesters, until they uninvited the police is not violent in the least...

    LGBTQ is usually a fairly amicable movement, but even they have been over politicized, more than a few of them have no qualms about attacking people they view as oppressive.

    The ultra left is so fucked up right now, they even attack their allies.
    Last edited by Sile; 01-16-2020 at 10:11 PM.
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  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    And honestly it was just a throwaway comment as I rushed to post then ran out the door.
    School bell just ring? You really should get therapy.
    Click the link above to see how much you owe the government.

    "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
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  3. #793


    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    You threw LGBTQ in there too? ROFL!
    This just happened a few days ago:

    This shit happens on a near daily basis now. But you don't see that because the media has brainwashed you into thinking the only violent people are right wingers who want to protest unconstitutional gun laws.

  4. #794
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    This just happened a few days ago:

    This shit happens on a near daily basis now. But you don't see that because the media has brainwashed you into thinking the only violent people are right wingers who want to protest unconstitutional gun laws.
    OMG I didn't think that freak would make it on the news in the US.

    Such a piece of human shit it is. When he was 'transitioning' He was asking questions how to approach young girls and teach help teach them to use Tampons. This coming from a guy, who refuses to get a sex change(which are free in Canada now), and still identifies as a lesbian.

    He took a bunch of frivolous law suits to supreme court when he was going to female body waxing businesses and claiming discrimination when they wouldn't wax his balls. The court threw the book at him and ordered him to pay restitution to everyone who held on, unfortunately some settled before the court decision.

    This person is a child predator who is obviously mentally unstable.... Maybe could be a candidate for Back's best friend.
    Last edited by Sile; 01-16-2020 at 10:05 PM.
    There are only 10 types of people in the world — those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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  5. #795


    Quote Originally Posted by Sile View Post
    OMG I didn't think that freak would make it on the news in the US.

    Such a piece of human shit it is. When he was 'transitioning' He was asking questions how to approach young girls and teach help teach them to use Tampons. This coming from a guy, who refuses to get a sex change(which are free in Canada now), and still identifies as a lesbian.

    He took a bunch of frivolous law suits to supreme court when he was going to female body waxing businesses and claiming discrimination when they wouldn't wax his balls. The court threw the book at him and ordered him to pay restitution to everyone who held on, unfortunately some settled before the court decision.

    This person is a child predator who is obviously mentally unstable.... Maybe could be a candidate for Back's best friend.
    He also hosted a "topless optional" swimming party for girls aged 11-21 and said parents were absolutely not allowed.

    I'm sure he and Back would get along great.

  6. Default

    Glad we all agree, Back is a pedophile. I mean, look at the tags everywhere. And how he acts.
    Click the link above to see how much you owe the government.

    "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
    -Superracist, Joe Biden

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  7. #797
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    People who use violence against their political enemies. Typically right wing nationalist authoritarian governments.

    An armed mob of militia threatening democratically elected democratic officials with violence gets them pretty close.

    And honestly it was just a throwaway comment as I rushed to post then ran out the door.
    You just described Antifa.... They are far more prevalent than any right wing group and far more violent, because no one tries to stop them. They show up in masks with knives, guns, bats, and pipes. Don't even try to say its to protect themselves, they bring these to events where the other side doesn't have any of this stuff.
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  8. #798
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I can find plenty of pics of neo-nazi mobs with masks and link plenty of articles about them using violence.

    BLM is not a violent movement. You threw LGBTQ in there too? ROFL!

    So show us examples of your claims. You make the claim, the burden of proof is on you.
    I mean you could just search it on youtube and find literally hundreds of videos, but we both know you won't do that. So here are a few highlights for you.

    Last edited by drauz; 01-17-2020 at 08:26 AM.
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  9. #799
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  10. #800
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