Teiana gestures at an onyx-scaled viridian damask gown stitched with crimson runes along its sleeves.
As the flames break upon the viridian damask gown, the fire is absorbed into the fabric, each thread subtly backlit by a fiery glow. In a rush that causes the air to distort, greenish-black flames erupt and race to cover the garment in a cloak of living fire as an onyx-scaled viridian damask gown alight with tendrils of greenish-black flame is revealed.
Caligos Fisherman Telare just climbed up a plank and chain ladder.
>"do all the verbs?
You ask, "Do all the verbs?"
Elbows bent and hands raised in display, Teiana gives a lengthy turn, and the flaming skirt of her viridian damask gown twists at her hips before flaring out in waves of greenish-black fire to the hem. As her skirt stills, the flames continue to crawl amidst the folds.
Great Lord Nazarr just arrived.
A gentle touch from Teiana causes the fabric of her skirt to sway as greenish-black flames crawl over the fabric in undulating tendrils.
Great Lord Nazarr just went east.
Teiana smoothes her hands over the bodice of her viridian damask gown, the greenish-black flames darkening under her touch, before resting them firmly on her hips. Sparks ignite with each irritated tap of her finger against her waist, and tendrils of flame streak along her skirt.
Teiana's fingers skip along the bodice of her viridian damask gown, giving birth to tiny whorls of greenish-black flame with each touch as her hand comes to rest at her waist. The staccato rhymth tapped out by a single finger sends those coils of fire down the folds of her skirt as she seems lost in thought.
Taking each side of her skirt in hand, Teiana swishes the greenish-black fire-drenched fabric of her viridian damask gown back and forth, casting an effluence of sparks into the air accompanied by a whisper like that of a candle flame whipped by the wind.
>look at teiana
You see Teiana Vala'wethrin the Sorceress.
She appears to be a Sylvankind.
She is tall. She appears to be youthful. She has piercing silver eyes and ivory skin. She has long, midnight black hair with loosely woven strands wound about her head like a crown. She has an oval face, a straight nose and a long, slender neck. Her features have a firm, statue-like quality to them. An eight-pointed black diamond star is positioned between her eyes, which casts a sparkling ebony sheen across her face.
She has a shadowy black Huntress tattoo on her wrist, and some tattooed white-tinged, midnight black trillium flowers with deeply-veined silver leaves trailing the length of her spine.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing an onyx-scaled viridian damask gown alight with tendrils of greenish-black flame, a ghezyte chelioboros choker, a silver-caged black diamond amulet, a hooded black leather cloak, an enruned copper pin, a veil iron mesh eisenruck, some dark double leather, a pair of segmented black leather gauntlets, a trilliant-cut black diamond ring, a rune-etched veil iron band, an enameled seashell bucket, and a black spidersilk pouch.
Teiana briskly ruffles her hands through the excess fabric of her skirt, and threads of greenish-black flame chased by tiny sparks encircle her wrists before retreating again to the fabric of her viridian damask gown.
Telare climbs up a length of knotted hemp rope.
Teiana takes a few sashaying steps forward, causing her fire-sheathed skirt to sway to and fro from her hips. Fingers of greenish-black flame tease the air about her, lashed back and forth by her exaggerated sauntering.