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Thread: Does BfA suck?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Does BfA suck?

    There's been some rumbling that BfA is sub-par in a lot of areas, just wondering what your opinions are.

    For me, I have one 120 hunter Alliance side and I'm getting my Horde DK up as well, but I don't have any motivation to do more than that. The Azerite armor system is the worst of gear treadmills, and the rep grinds for the allied races are fairly brutal. After I get my Dark Iron I'm probably going to either level him, do old content, or take a break.

    Ion did an AMA on Reddit the other day:
    You had better pay your guild dues before you forget. You are 113 months behind.

  2. Default

    Everything is handed to you. World quests give you raid gear, world bosses are a zerg and give you potentially better than raid gear. I made 120 and immediately didn't need heroic dungeons, went straight to mythic, did 4 dungeons on Mythic+ and maxed out that level immediately, better than raid gear.. with some more better than raid gear in the mail at the end of the week...Then went to the raid with a guild which isn't specifically the best I ever raided with...went 8/8 normal and the moved to heroic on the first night the raid was open. I didn't even watch video on the was just handed to you because you were already outgeared for the content.

    There's no sense of progression or accomplishment anymore. It's just a time grind.
    Last edited by Stumplicker; 09-15-2018 at 12:57 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Arizona Bay


    Quote Originally Posted by Stumplicker View Post
    Everything is handed to you. World quests give you raid gear, world bosses are a zerg and give you potentially better than raid gear. I made 120 and immediately didn't need heroic dungeons, went straight to mythic, did 4 dungeons on Mythic+ and maxed out that level immediately, better than raid gear.. with some more better than raid gear in the mail at the end of the week...Then went to the raid with a guild which isn't specifically the best I ever raided with...went 8/8 normal and the moved to heroic on the first night the raid was open. I didn't even watch video on the was just handed to you because you were already outgeared for the content.

    There's no sense of progression or accomplishment anymore. It's just a time grind.
    Mythic raiding and M 10+ dungeons are the only real challenge any more.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by SHAFT View Post
    Mythic raiding and M 10+ dungeons are the only real challenge any more.
    I know..that's a freaking bummer. There's no challenge or sense of accomplishment on anything leading up to the absolute endgame content. It's a 2-3 week period of mind numbing time grinds to get to anything that could be construed as enjoyable.
    Last edited by Stumplicker; 09-15-2018 at 01:07 PM.

  5. #5
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    After a week I was back to farming transmog gear (finally crafted sulfurons hammer). I was hoping this xpac would keep me occupied through the winter, not going to happen. On a positive note, I very much enjoyed the warsong gulch brawl.

    The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ~ Marcus Aurelius
    “It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

    “The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

  6. #6


    I haven't played in 7 years so I missed out on Mists of Pandaria and everything after so mythics, LFG being able to do raids, and all of that jazz is completely new to me.

    I was having fun mostly just catching up on all of the changes they have made over the years plus the new content. I was excited to get into doing heroic dungeons again and did that for a while then found out that heroics are basically normal dungeons of 7 years ago and mythic+ is where all of the challenge is at now. Still it was fun doing heroics and getting upgrades, grinding rep to get upgrades, and doing world quests to get upgrades. Then the warfront dropped and a piece of 340 gear was guaranteed which meant free upgrades for quite a few slots for me, not to mention the 370 item for doing the quest. So I did that and was like okay now what? Tried out a few mythics and the gear was the same as what I already had and I didn't really feel like getting into mythic+ so I got my druid up to 120 and was immediately able to do warfronts (before they patched in the 320 item level requirement) so with mostly sub 280 gear I was able to outfit my druid with 340s in everything but rings and trinkets.

    So I'm already kind of bored on my paladin main, never really got into my druid to begin with, but I decided to level a Demon Hunter and I'm having a lot of fun with that so far. Just hit level 110 so doing the new content for a third time now but it's holding my interest so far. I'm really thinking my Demon Hunter is going to be my new main so maybe I'll get into mythic+ and raids and have fun with that. Not sure. Might just go back to doing old content and finishing up some achievements.

  7. #7


    I find myself doing more of the old content than any of the new stuff honestly.

  8. #8


    Already getting bored with the game. I really don't want to get into raiding, doing emissary world quests everyday is getting boring, playing my capped alts is getting boring. Really the only thing I'm finding somewhat enjoyable is leveling up alts and doing the old content because I can just one shot everything.

    I guess I'm not sure what I expected, while Blizzard did make some awesome changes since the last time I played and they added in much more stuff to do it's basically the same game it has always been. At this point I'm finding myself logging in not because I'm actually enjoying myself but because I feel a sense that I need to log on.

    "Gotta log on to at least to finish my emissary quests."
    "Gotta log on to at least kill the weekly world boss."
    "Gotta log on to at least do the weekly quest."

    Guilds seem largely meh now too. I used to enjoy being in a guild and chatting with people and doing quests and shit together, but now you can pretty much do all content on your own via LFG tool; raids, quests, world bosses, mythics. I have 3 maxed level alts all in different guilds and hardly anyone even says a word in any of them, and there are often times 20+ people logged on at once now. There just doesn't seem to be much point other than to gather everyone together for a raid because you can easily find a group to do literally everything. I don't know, either that or everyone hangs out in the guild's discord server but I don't use discord so I'm not sure about that.

    I think I might stick around for a while longer but probably just focus on my main and leveling up alts. I logged in to Overwatch last night just to see what has changed and I've actually gotten back into that game now. I think I'm going to play a lot of Super Smash Brothers once that comes out.

  9. Default

    Wow sucks, you either have to 100% live in it or it's just button mashing easy mode, there isn't much middle ground.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by SonoftheNorth View Post
    Wow sucks, you either have to 100% live in it or it's just button mashing easy mode, there isn't much middle ground.
    Ain't that the truth. When I first started up BfA I felt like I was 100% living it, but was having fun at least. Now it's just mashing buttons until things die so I can say to myself "Another day's worth of dailies done" and rinse and repeat for tomorrow.

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