Quote Originally Posted by Astray View Post
So the first time I tried cocaine I was working in a warehouse, coming off a double. I got a text from my friend to go out after work, he wanted to hit up the strip club. I told him I wasn't gonna make it and I felt like a dick. I don't even know why. Flash forward to 10PM, I was dead fucking tired and having a conversation with the dude that sold drugs at my work.

This guy was living off of fucking RedBull and coke. We're heading out and he asked if I had plans and when I told him I was invited to go look at some titties, he was down. Immediately. I told him I was too tired and he takes out this fucking ziplock bag of white powder. Knew right away what it was. So we get set up in this dudes car and I'm like, super nervous, not because it was cocaine. Because it was in the fucking parking lot of where we work, 2 minutes after we clocked out. People are legit just standing around talking and I'm in a shitty brick of a Honda getting ready to do cocaine.

I struggle through my line because the shit stings and it smells like foot powder. I get done and I'm like, "thanks dude" and I leave. He says he'll follow me to the club and as I'm driving I get the rush. Just the most intense rush of energy I have every felt. I gunned it to the strip club, doing 90 on city streets, hop out, check my hair in the rear mirror and head inside.

The girl behind the counter just stares at me as I approach. Pay the entry fee and I'm heading in and the doorman stops me. "Bro, you got some uh..." and he taps his nose. Wipe my nose, little bloody, and some powder. Thank the dude and head inside. Meet up with my friends, start doing some shots and just enjoying my time. Who doesn't like some titties? An asshole, that's who. Time fucking flies and it's 3 AM when we decide to go home. I got one lap-dance and I'm halfway out the door when I fucking eat it.

I'm completely unable to move. Fucking crashed and hit my head on a nearby table. My buddy runs over and is like, "What the fuck?" And I'm like, "Nah, it's good dude, just carry me out." So he did. I'm fucking over his shoulder and I feel something dripping down my face. I busted my head open on the table. Pass out. Wake up in a hospital bed like a day later.

Don't do cocaine. It's fucked.
Coke. Shots. Titties. Cracking your head open. How are you still alive?