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Thread: sewer finds

  1. #1

    Default sewer finds

    I will do a buyout of 25m for all three items. (i mean together)

    strand of veniom thread SOLD
    6m mb
    This is an expander item for the Bag of Holding (a large treasure sack) from Duskruin Arena. (NOTE: This will NOT work with the "a treasure chest", the first level of reward from the OC ringleader.) These expanders will adjust one of these containers in one of four ways -- overall unique capacity, per-item capacity, max allowed weight, and weight reduction. This item, a strand of veniom thread, will expand "a treasure sack" as follows:

    - WEAVE with the container to add weight reduction of 5%

    slender wooden rodx2 3m mb SOLD

    This is an expander item for the Bag of Holding (a large treasure sack) from Duskruin Arena. (NOTE: This will NOT work with the "a treasure chest", the first level of reward from the OC ringleader.) These expanders will adjust one of these containers in one of four ways -- overall unique capacity, per-item capacity, max allowed weight, and weight reduction. This item, a slender wooden rod, will expand "a treasure sack" as follows:

    - WEAVE with the container to increase per-item capacity by 1
    Last edited by beldannon5; 06-21-2018 at 03:32 AM.

  2. #2


    when's the auction set to end?
    Discord: Aramund on GSIV server

  3. #3


    let's say by the 25th at the latest. i mean i will go once twice sold but i don't want to draw it out of course

  4. #4


    added a buyout for fun

  5. #5



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