
Everyone, 99% of players at least, is having big hope with ascension

I'm one of the few to say: careful, it's not that simple, there's not + without its - in SIMU's mind. They want you to be excited while nerfing you in the ass in the meantime.

And BOOM, some corrections here ( )

Most important aspect in my mind is the 2x spell aim for semis. It's so going to move the shift in semis to be like cleric for some spells (309 - 320), i.e. a mix of spells + spell aim to have a decent attack

I forsee 1030, 616 and some big paladins to go that road. I forsee they will leave weaker version of spells to be not spell aimed.

And then with ascension, players gonna have so much to do to get that juicy +5 here or there and needing like 30 more millions of exp, why not coconut some paid RPA orbs? LOL


That's balancing, cause you know, it's too powerful

And Naijin wants more spells like 309-320, where open rolls WILL be the major feature. Eventually, we will see a 5% death rate for like all spells / maneuvers casted by critters. That's fun balancing, huh?

WHY not having some courage, releasing savants and doing a rebalancing of spell circles tabarnak instead?

Empaths - minor spirit, minor mental
Savants - minor mental, major mental
bard - minor mental - bard
Squares: only 1 circle of magic (either minor spirit, minor mental or minor elemental)

Boom, like rolemaster. Then you rebalance all spells to be either more self cast or having even more lore dependancy to be casted at others.

tl;dr for the methais of heart: Simu is nerfing players in the name of balance and will release ascension to have more p2w dependancies