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Thread: Things that made you frown today (Political Version)

  1. #1

    Default Things that made you frown today (Political Version)

    Apparently the Republicans are bribing Republican senators with money for their state in order to get them to sign off on Trumpcare.

    Didn't the Democrats do the same shit in 2009 and it pissed people off and they started voting the Democrats out the very next election and kept going until we arrived at our glorious leader Trump becoming president?

  2. #2


    As of the state of things right now, I bet republicans keep congress in 2018. Trump stuff will have to get a LOT worse for trump gop voters to switch or stay home and dems barely fucking vote in presidential races.

    More to your point though, republican voters dont have morality to "vote the bums" out. Can't compare dems reactions to what may happen with GOP

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by cwolff View Post
    More to your point though, republican voters dont have morality to "vote the bums" out. Can't compare dems reactions to what may happen with GOP
    Democrats didn't lose their seats because Democrat voters decided they had enough and voted Republican. They lost their seats because Republicans started showing up more at the voting booths and Democrats lost some of their Independent voters. Plus the Obama effect had worn off and a lot of Democrats decided to just stay at home.

    Not saying this will turn out for Republicans the same as it did for Democrats, but it's not a good start to things. The first wave that hit Democrats was because of the rise of the Tea Party, as of yet Democrats don't really have a comparable movement, but that could change within the next year.

  4. #4


    It should swing Democrat. Just the way midterms go. I'm not optimistic though. Gop can turn out the base.

    I could be underestimating dems though. Lots anger turned into protest this year.

    What happens if dems win both chambers? Impeachment?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by cwolff View Post
    What happens if dems win both chambers? Impeachment?
    I think it will be a long time before Democrats get control of the House again, Senate might come a lot sooner.

    Democrats are shrieking impeachment right now because it's pretty much their only message. Seriously, off the top of your head can you name another message the Democrats are pushing at the moment? I mean besides the old "You're racist!" that has done so well for them the past 9 years.

    I think the Democrat leaders are smart enough to hold off on impeachment if they somehow get both houses of Congress while Trump is still president, unless something truly sinister does turn up. They would waste all of that political capital for pretty much nothing (no way they would get enough Republican votes in the Senate to convict Trump of anything) and set the stage for payback when a Democrat is in the White House again. Just like Reid thought it would be an awesome idea to remove the filibuster that gave the minority party some power in the senate, that ended up coming back and biting them in the ass when Republicans did away with filibusters to approve of Gorsuch and how Republicans are currently trying to do a workaround to get Trumpcare passed even though they don't have the necessary 60 votes.

  6. #6


    Dems are in chaos. They can't push legislation because there's nothing they can paas.

    Its a good time for them to re group, hire slick ass Mad Men marketers, and begin a unified campaign.

    My wish is that they quit pandering and go be dems. Plant the flag. Push single payer, push unions, go for more not less control banks,etc...

    They're being pussies. Better to die fighting than whimper away.

  7. #7
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    Last edited by drauz; 07-16-2017 at 03:14 AM.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by drauz View Post

    Honestly what did gray there expect to happen? The second I see someone on my Facebook start spouting about "white privilege" and how all whites are racist I know it's time to unfriend them and never talk to that person ever again because clearly nothing will ever change their bigoted views.

    But I don't have any black friends. OH SHIT! MAYBE I AM RACIST!
    Last edited by Tgo01; 07-16-2017 at 03:42 AM.

  9. #9


    This presidency will end in bloodshed, if it ends at all. I can't believe Trump is ok with a peaceful transfer of power, unless it's to Ivanka.

    Last edited by cwolff; 07-16-2017 at 08:38 AM.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by cwolff View Post
    This presidency will end in bloodshed, if it ends at all. I can't believe Trump is ok with a peaceful transfer of power, unless it's to Ivanka.

    What? Where do you get anything with bloodshed or transfer of power from that?

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