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Thread: Ebons T4's, Duskruin Sewer finds, Random old stuff, Containers

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  1. #1

    Default Ebons T4's, Duskruin Sewer finds, Random old stuff, Containers

    All MBs are 25k besides the two Forest Armors. Will add stuff as I go.

    W1 - a white ora broadsword(plain white ora) - mb:25k

    A1 - a forest green leather shirt with suede-wrapped sleeves(Full leather T1 Forest Armor) - mb:100k

    A2 - a mithglin and silver-ringed chain haubergeon(Aug chain T1 Forest Armor) - mb:100k

    A3 - a vultite augmented breastplate(+20 sancted) - mb:25k cb:25k to CaseyJones SOLD and Delivered!

    A4 - some reinforced leather(+20 temp ECP{exceptionally}, resist disrupting attacks) - mb:25k cb:25k to Allen SOLD!

    A5 - some gleaming rolaren studded leather(perm moderate cold resist and moderate shock resist, temp TD) - mb:25k

    A6 - a blackened mithril helm(acid flares +12 climb bonus) - mb:25k

    A7 - embossed spiked vultite greathelm(temp VHCP, spiked) - mb:25k cb:25k to Allen SOLD!

    A8 - some ornate mithril leg greaves(temp VHDP) - mb:25k

    S1 - an ornate golvern shield(medium shield, plain +25) - mb:25k cb:30k to Verbaalz SOLD!

    R1 - a slender mesille runestaff wrapped with azure silk ribbons(+15, Ice flaring) - mb:25k

    R2 - a bent carmiln runestaff(+6, Fire flaring, +4 dex stat, +3 max mana) - mb:25k

    R3 - a dark red deringo runestaff(2lbs max light, +8, sancted, +4 INF bonus, +3 religion bonus, +2 bless bonus) - mb:25k

    R4 - a fine glowbark runestaff(+22) - mb:25k

    R5 - an elegant orase runestaff(+20) - mb:25k

    U1 - some glossy black leather boots with a matte kelyn-buckled gusset(+20 UAC Plasma Flares) - mb:25k

    U2 - some reinforced red tsark skin gloves(4x UAC w/ 2 verbs) - mb:25k

    U3 - a pair of oyster leather boots(4x UAC w/ Ice Flares) - mb:25k

    C1 - a dark velvet gem pouch fitted with ruby-inset silver plates(Auto opening/closing, Medium Amount) - mb:25k cb:25k to Silky Fyne SOLD and Delivered!
    >push pou
    Sliding the lever on the side of the velvet gem pouch, you can feel tension increasing against the lever. The metal plates at the top of the pouch slide away, revealing the opening.
    Suddenly the opening on your velvet gem pouch snaps shut with a loud *CLICK*!

    C2 - a battered weather-worn tawny leather instrument case(old scripted instrument case) - mb:25k
    You analyze your leather case and sense that it may be altered with either a long or show description. Based on the design, you realize that changing the noun would be acceptible. While the material it is made out of may be changed, you sense that it would need to be something that has buttons or toggles on it. It may/may not be worn (depending on how the item was made). Being unable to wear it is not an error.
    It is designed to hold average to large instruments only.
    >open case
    With nimble fingers, you unfasten each of the buttons holding your leather case closed, and draw the flap open.
    >close case
    You carefully pull the flap of your leather case closed, and fasten each of its buttons securely.

    C3 - a faded black linen cape emblazoned with a fiery eye(Scripted, Significant Amount) - mb:25k cb:25k to CaseyJones SOLD and Delivered!
    Currently you are able to use OPEN, CLOSE, WAVE, BOW, WEAR, and REMOVE with the cape. If you happen to have special fangs of a similar build, you'll find that things may look a bit fancier when you use the cape. This cape can be unlocked to a second tier by any willing Ebon Gate Festival merchant and by a handful of merchants outside of that festival.

    C4 - a pair of thin leather gloves with narrow cuffs(VSA, couple of items) - mb:25k

    C5 - a long black leather cloak(Reversible, Significant Amount) - mb:25k cb:25k to CaseyJones SOLD and Delivered!

    C6 - a pair of fitted dress pants clasped with a black griffin(VSA, couple of items) - mb:25k cb:75k to CaseyJones SOLD and Delivered!

    J1 - a blackworked bull minotaur horn with a silver mouthpiece(Ranger Horn) - mb:25k
    You feel that you'd get special messages when you WEAR, RUB, KISS, or RAISE the horn. Rangers also have access to WHISTLE, SMOOCH, and EXHALE

    J2 - a carved maple hunting horn(Ranger Horn) - mb:25k
    You feel that you'd get special messages when you WEAR, RUB, KISS, or RAISE the horn. Rangers also have access to WHISTLE, SMOOCH, and EXHALE

    J3 - a banded agate necklace suspending a ring of keys(scripted for spiritual types) - mb:25k
    You momentarily brush your fingers against your necklace, closing your eyes as your mind turns inward with pious thoughts.
    >pull my neck
    You adjust your necklace with meticulous care, bowing your head as you touch the surface.
    >rub my neck
    You reverently touch the surface of your necklace.
    >tap my neck
    Your fingers linger over your necklace, and you whisper a brief, devout prayer.
    >push my neck
    You momentarily brush your fingers against your necklace, closing your eyes as your mind turns inward with pious thoughts.

    J4 - a wide-eyed baby owl pin - mb:25k

    J5 - a heart-shaped faenor locket strung on a thin silver chain - mb:25k

    J6 - a pale silver scrying bowl - mb:25k

    J7 - a compact mistwood box(30 label container) - mb:25k cb:25k to Serenwy SOLD and Delivered!

    J8 - a mechanical toy dragon(Dhu Mech Toy) - mb:25k cb:25k to Areigha SOLD and Delivered!

    J9 - a mechanical gold shaggy dog toy with smoky quartz eyes - mb:25k

    J10 - a tiny scowling halfling wizard hand-puppet in cowled robes - mb:25k

    J11 - a bony-plated fel alligator nutcracker - mb:25k

    J12 - a heavy cast iron kettle - mb:25k

    J13 - a heavy cast iron kettle - mb:25k

    J14 - a nondescript steel artifact(Chrism Holder) - mb:25k cb:50k to Kaydrin SOLD and Delivered!
    Last edited by Robotnik; 11-20-2016 at 05:02 PM. Reason: update

  2. #2


    MB a4 and a7

  3. #3



  4. #4


    MB on C5, C6, S1, A3 please! Thank you.

  5. #5


    MB on J7 and J14, please.

  6. Default

    J14 50k

  7. #7


    50k on C6

  8. #8


    75k on C6 please

  9. #9



  10. #10


    MB C1

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