We are at the very beginning of a third industrial revolution driven by primitive AIs. The third industrial revolution will be compacted into a shorter time frame than the first two, and its effect on the economy will be more pervasive than the first two.

Although AI controlled automation will make life easier, it will also involve significant economic dislocation. Self-driving automobiles alone will directly eliminate more than 2 million jobs in the United States. The indirect consequences will be greater, including automobile manufacturing. Self-driving cars will be one of the most visible changes, but it will not stop there. You'll see them in all aspects of shipping and logistics. You'll see them performing many roles in medicine. You'll see them in your house. You'll see them everywhere in virtual spaces. You'll even see them in the military.

When many people lose their jobs in a short time, what happens? Anybody?

Look to what happened in the first and second industrial revolutions and then multiple it by 10. What should politicians and government do? If you're smart -- which I doubt -- you'll start thinking about it now.