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Thread: Fully unlocked beltworn auto bundling skin bag +4 FA bonus/+4 Survival bonus

  1. #1

    Default Fully unlocked beltworn auto bundling skin bag +4 FA bonus/+4 Survival bonus

    a shaggy dark grey wolf fur satchel - 5M

    SLA amount
    autoskin bundling and scripted

    The satchel resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
    It provides a bonus of 4 to First Aid Bonus.
    It provides a bonus of 4 to Survival Bonus.
    The satchel looks to have quite a few charges remaining.
    You sense that the wolf hide satchel will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.


    You analyze your grey wolf fur satchel and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

    The creator has also provided the following information:
    The grey wolf fur satchel is fully unlocked.

    This item must stay a bag-like container of some sort. When altering, keep in mind that some of the satchel's show always remains.

    You can tell that the satchel's pockets could not possibly get any deeper, but you might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the grey wolf fur satchel for you.

    bundling 2 or more of same: As you place your caribou antlers inside your grey wolf fur satchel, you notice another antlers inside the satchel and carefully arrange the two caribou antlers into a neat bundle.

    put: You carefully place the caribou antlers inside your grey wolf fur satchel, making sure not to damage the antlers.
    wear: You securely attach the grey wolf fur satchel to your belt, resting the satchel on your hip.
    rub: You brush off the surface of your grey wolf fur satchel, cleaning any grime that may have collected.
    tap (empty): You reach inside your grey wolf fur satchel, but find it empty.
    tap (with items): You reach inside your wolf hide satchel, rearranging the contents.
    pet: You idly trace the mouth of one of the rhimar-throated scabbard on your grey wolf fur satchel, which is cold to the touch.
    push: You shove your grey wolf fur satchel over slightly.
    pull: You tug on the straps of your grey wolf fur satchel, checking their durability.
    turn: You take a moment to readjust and pat down your grey wolf fur satchel.
    open: You reach down and lift the flap on your grey wolf fur satchel, opening it.
    close: You reach down and place the flap on your grey wolf fur satchel over the opening, closing it.
    remove: You carefully remove the grey wolf fur satchel, making sure not to damage the contents in the process.
    put dagger in satchel: You wipe off the blade and sheathe the drake dagger into one of the rhimar-throated scabbards along the side of your grey wolf fur satchel.

    You estimate that a shaggy dark grey wolf fur satchel can store a slightly large amount with enough space for any number of items.

    You determine that you could wear the satchel, attaching it to your belt. The satchel appears to serve some purpose.

    It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of leather.
    Last edited by Roblar; 03-05-2023 at 07:54 PM.

  2. Default

    I'll take it

  3. #3


    Have another one

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    follow the yellow brick road


    I bought one from Roblar before- these are awesome! They also fit in your armoire so you don't expend the enhansive charges when not hunting.

  5. #5


    nevermind, turned out.. I had one already I forgot about.. my bad.
    Last edited by thesupman; 06-03-2016 at 06:29 PM.

  6. #6


    They cost very little to recharge, it's a great item. Never giving mine up

  7. Default

    Still available? I'll take it.

  8. #8


    Got another available

  9. #9


    I'll take it


  10. #10


    Got another available

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