(From the reddit thread, I had to reverse image search to see if it was a custom Tyranid or not ... if it wasn't I'd consider getting back into painting over that...
Type: Posts; User: Celephais
(From the reddit thread, I had to reverse image search to see if it was a custom Tyranid or not ... if it wasn't I'd consider getting back into painting over that...
Sickbeard, CouchPotato, Headphones.
Usenet (usenet-cralwer),,
Dat Undead Gap
Does he do machines?
If you get desperate just roll up a couple F2P characters and just run them to RR to get O-Ren Ishii'd. If you don't do it I'm sure someone here will to cash in.
L2Internet ...
As weird as it is to say ... bing is really good for image searching. First result for dumb...
Saw Bill Burr tonight. He's fucking awesome.
I have been playing kickball and softball for several years. I bring a ghetto blaster boom box to these events, and will organize walk-up music for my teammates. This means that for the 10 or so...
Exp absorption formula is a bit more complicated than that, it takes into account how much exp you have in the bucket (which is soft capped at 800 + LogStat + DiscStat).
I've also noticed since my...
Really? No one is saying Gemstone?
Even the guy explaining it looked embarrassed by it.
Haven't you guys ever seen Nat. Treas? There are clues all over this ... there's a pattern, 32° 33° X°, now if we can only figure out what X is supposed to be we'll have the password, but only part...
You are saying that she "she took out all her aggression on me and it subsided into nothing" and then you think she needs to be harder on your sister? You clearly have some problem with the way your...
You're trying to say she should be harder on your sister and not give her any financial aid and then you turn and say you don't want her to focus on money.
... okay so pretty much everything you said was wrong. The exp is the same. The exp from clear to fried is, with perfect (non boosted) stats, 1k. If the bounty exp would put you over fried you get...
I'll hack you back in time!
This is about the dumbest thing anyone has ever said.
You have to come fully dressed as a space marine to attend. And no breaking character.
"Kung Fury's release date is set for the 28th of May and we will release it for free, online!"
From their website. My coworkers and I are already planning a viewing party. I've had "True Survivor"...
I followed your link to an even funnier story about Methias.
I kill myself...