One of us has to supplement their income with the Chinese gold farming equivalent in Gemstone, got Big Mad when his income streams were disrupted, continues to rail and rail against the GMs who made...
Type: Posts; User: Ashliana
One of us has to supplement their income with the Chinese gold farming equivalent in Gemstone, got Big Mad when his income streams were disrupted, continues to rail and rail against the GMs who made...
"You mocking Methais for being forced to farm silvers to sell for IRL cash is weird, because, in my fantasy...."
Yikes. You were so close to self-awareness, Tardbandit. But if you had any, you...
Translation: "My wishes will change the universe! Now let me tell you why is a reliable source of information and WaPo isn't!"
Let's see.. fantasies, combined with your inability to reconcile your position with the fact that neither of my PCs seized up, but at least one of yours did. Best of luck coming to terms with...
More Big Mad Mental Illness incoming from Methais.
Actual footage:
Translation: Couldn't come up with a substantive reply, fell back on your Ol' Reliable in the vain hopes that nobody stops to point out that it being pointed out that your wishes don't affect...
Alas, saying "it does" doesn't change reality to suit your delusions, no matter how Big Mad you get about it. Tardbandit not understanding that his overly broad statement applied to you might be...
Except saying "you're wrong" doesn't transform reality to suit your delusions. You being too stupid to understand the implications of your assertion -- no surprise, Retard Champion Tardbandit -- only...
Simping for Shaps now? Yikes.
That doesn't address anything that I said. :)
Let's see.. Couldn't reconcile your own actions with criticism for others who threw your own tactic back in your face? Check.
Forced to make up...
This is correct.
Let's see.. Continued inability to reconcile your past actions with criticism? Check.
Mental gymnastics that you're "exploiting my need to have the last word" by providing...
You being too retarded to understand that your behavior was being criticized unwittingly only reflects on you.
Translation: "Your attempt to 'break the thread' was such a failure, I had to cry to the admins repeatedly for help! Oh, and let me describe my own behavior as 'mentally unstable' and gloat about it,...
Your meltdown is in its 233rd day, Tardbandit. Since you're a 60 year old who cleans ducts for a living, it's a surprise to zero people that you're terrible at math -- but that number will literally...
:rofl: I didn't delete anything. Kranar, or some other admin did, because of the empty spaces in the posts. Since Methais apparently went hysterically crying to Kranar about having his own tactic...[/QUOTE]
It's okay, TB. If you come up with just...
Actual footage of people searching for Shaps when Trump rambled about how our "army took over the airports" in 1775, then blamed his teleprompter:
And what would I be "fretting" about? About how you, as a 50+ year old, began a decade-plus string of obsessively stalking people in order to send as many sociopathic, sexually graphic messages full...
Translation: "REEEE! Stop making me think about all the things I've pushed to the back of my mind so I don't have to think about being swindled by a con man!"
:rofl: You live in a fantastical world where Trump didn't go on national television and ask America's biggest adversary for help, where his children didn't get caught red-handed accepting the offered...
# of changes Shaps' hilariously desperate wishes were able to make to the timeline: 0