if it's not sold, i will buy it
Type: Posts; User: Dylanus
if it's not sold, i will buy it
ill take 2 and 28 please
ill take this one please
3) a jade-stitched crimson cloak with a tentacled portrayal of Ivas adorning the back
- T1 Climate Wear-hooded (unlocked once: 8 verbs)
- Hood added by merchant
- 180...
You had me worried because I did the same. To my surprise my connection actually held through the night and I have a playable copy on my xbox. Not sure when i will actually get into it though
its on game pass so downloading now. pretty excited!
15k bs
arrows don't add to ranged as anymore
3k bs
Looking for a spear and the wolf helm. Thanks!
Last call! get your bid in before it's too late.
just listed in the auctions
CB:60m Sthrockmorton SOLD!
an oak-handled faenor misericord
As you recall Budroux's song, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the faenor misericord in your hand, and you...
Anyone know a good starting point to list this?
an oak-handled faenor misericord
As you recall Budroux's song, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the faenor misericord in your hand,...
5.5m please
let me know what you have and your ask, thank you!
Twig is sold!
Got one of these twigs from the premium raffle. Not sure what it is. Think just alter fodder. Asked around for a price point and was suggested to place an auction. Starting bid at one of the offers...
10 mil on weathered leather bandolier 10m or 15k bs please
pm sent
a sigil-carved ironwood crook 70k bs SOLD
You analyze your ironwood crook and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
This is a tier 3 Sigil Staff.
1: a...