Originally Posted by
FYI this happened today for me, I got this while I was running Rogues on LMAS. It looks like it missed Lockpick enhancement and Disarm enhancement is near as I can tell and not sure why. I do not know those spells so it was not from me having them on naturally. It stopped running from that point but did not exit. I answered manually the correct answer and it re-engaged no issues. Just wanted to give you the heads up
[rogues]>lmaster sense
With a seasoned eye, you begin to examine both yourself and the area in an attempt to ascertain the current conditions for lockpicking...
After a thorough examination, you determine that you are in excellent shape, physically. As far as you can tell, the area around you is extremely bright.
[rogues]>spell active
You currently have the following active effects:
Spirit Warding I ........................ 03:02:29
Spirit Defense .......................... 00:52:29
Disease Resistance ...................... 03:02:29
Poison Resistance ....................... 03:02:29
Spirit Warding II ....................... 03:02:29
Water Walking ........................... 03:02:29
Spirit Shield ........................... 00:52:29
Purify Air .............................. 00:52:29
Elemental Defense I ..................... 03:02:29
Lock Pick Enhancement ................... 00:09:41
Disarm Enhancement ...................... 00:09:41
Elemental Defense II .................... 03:02:29
Elemental Defense III ................... 03:02:29
Thurfel's Ward .......................... 03:02:29
Strength ................................ 03:02:29
Natural Colors .......................... 03:02:29
Resist Elements ......................... 03:02:29
Mobility ................................ 03:02:29
Mass Blur ............................... 03:02:29
Foresight ............................... 03:02:29
Mindward ................................ 03:02:29
Mantle of Faith ......................... 00:52:29
Next Bounty ............................. 00:02:18
No buffs found.
No debuffs found.
[rogues]>say extremely bright
[A Dark Corner - - ] (u261061)
This dark corner is far enough away from the bustle of the courtyard to provide a little peace and quiet...perfect for reflection and training. You also see Master Footpad Bean.
Obvious paths: out
You say, "Extremely bright."
Bean says, "Sorry...try again."
I just had two more pop up where it missed Disarm Enhancement in both of those