sea-charts: A narost derivative for OSA
2022-11-30: Should now work with Lich5/GTK3 as well as Lich4/GTK2
Actually, two scripts....
osa-map-plugin - a map data provider for OSA rooms.
- If running Lich 4.x: This needs ;trust or the classes won't be available to other scripts, such as sea-charts.
- Map data currently inline. At some point, I should move it to an external data file.
- Exposes OsaMap (equivalent of lich's Map) and Ocean (equivalent of lich's Room)
- "equivalent", not identical, classes. More notes at the end for the scripters who are interested. Most users won't need to read that
- On exit, stores the last known room for next startup.
sea-charts - the actual narost clone
- If running Lich 4.x: This needs ;trust because it will download and display the map
- Doesn't support displaying tags (there's very few in the data, anyhow)
- Doesn't support click-room to sail there
- Currently uses a basic map with room numbers.
- Want the fancy map?
- Download Arianiss's pretty map from the wiki.
- Save it to your maps directory
- Don't know where that is? Run ";eq echo MAP_DIR" to find out.
- start sea-charts with the --fancy flag - ";sea-charts --fancy"
- If your current room is known, you get a little ship icon.
- If your current room is unknown, but you've been in a known room, marks the last known room with question mark icon.
;repos download osa-map-plugin
;repos download sea-charts
Then, when you're sailing
You'll need to look at the map in the captain's quarters at least once after you've launched.
I keep trying to cram in one-more-thing. If you hit any issues, post here and I'll address them.
Scripty stuff for those who care below here - most folks don't need this
Ocean is just a sub-class of OsaMap - these notes apply to both.
OsaMap class level members -it is kinda like Map, but not an exact clone
- current -> returns the current map room
- So long as osa-map-plugin is running, it will do its best to keep all of those up-to-data.
- See set_current() if you'd rather manage it.
- lastknown -> returns the last map room that was actually mapped
- So long as osa-map-plugin is running, it will do its best to keep all of those up-to-data.
- See set_lastknown() if you'd rather manage it.
- list -> returns a list of all rooms
- OsaMap[n] -> gets room with id n
- set_current() -> sets a given room (by id) as current
- set_lastknown() -> sets a given room (by id) as lastknown
OsaMap instance members
- column -> returns the map column for the room
- dijkstra() - dijkstra pathing algoritm for reaching one or more rooms
- path_to() is a thin wrapper and generally more friendly
- inspect -> dumps the instance data
- is_mapped? -> true if the room has map coordinates
- location - which ocean the room is in
- make_current() -> sets the instance as `current` for OsaMap
- osa-map-plugin should manage this, but here if you want to use it
- make_lastknown() -> sets the instance as `lastknown` for OsaMap
- osa-map-plugin should manage this, but here if you want to use it
- map_coords -> a hash that gets to column and row
- maphash -> MD5 of the in-game map used to kinda uniquely identify the room
- These aren't entirely unique. There's ~10 pairs of rooms that hash identical even also matching on location
- path_to(int or int[]) ->
- if given an int, returns the shorest path to the room with that id
- if given an array, returns the shortest path to the nearest room in the list.
- no guarantees on which room if multiple are equidistant
- because of the grid like map, multiple routes can have the same cost, no guarantees on which is used
- returns nil if there is no path available
- row-> returns the map row for the room
- to_i -> alias to get the room id
- to_s -> gets a short string for identifying the room
- tags -> a list of string tags. Mostly unused, but bugged rooms are tagged "bugged" and ports are tagged "Port of {Town}"
- wayto -> :cardinaldirection to adjacent room map