Originally Posted by
Read carefully what he wrote (other than the obvious inference that Bill Burr is racist) -
"...you shouldn't assume someone isn't racist just because they own a minority sex servant. They may very well have one because they are racist"
Really, really look at what he wrote. That motherfucker just referenced that you are able to NOT be racist and OWN a minority SEX SLAVE. I don't think it was poorly worded or a mistake in how he meant to express himself, because of the follow up sentence. That was some Freudian, unconscious, slipup that he put out there for people to see. Surprised more haven't jumped on that aspect.
He literally thinks POC females can be owned as sex slaves, and it's not racist. I guarantee you that fucker has some shady shit in his past. They should check if he's taken any trips overseas, etc.