Printable View, because it's already a known thing on here anyway. It's just funny how you squirm when you try to deflect instead of just admitting that you're a liar.
Not to mention, some people around here like to go back and scrub posts. I don't know if you're one of them or not, but I'm not going to waste my time finding out.
Are you posturing yourself to blame your habitual lying on booze for when you eventually run out of excuses for your story about owning/leasing/managing/working at a restaurant? Though I suppose "I lied, but hey I was drunk." would be slightly more respectable. :lol:Quote:
Besides, 90% of my posts are made when I was drunk so who knows what you'll find.
The end result is one of two things:
- You're just a huge liar
- You actually did own a restaurant (doubt), and are the biggest hypocrite in the universe with your post about business owners basically being slave drivers.
I'm gonna go with option 1.
Was it the booze that made you make up a story about owning a restaurant? It's ok if so. That's the first step to recovery.
I mean...wouldn't a good father send his family somewhere warm with running water and electricity if he's able to?
You really are a moron. "His family should have stayed and froze!!! This is how much I hate Republicans!!!111"
You Democrats have now officially made a much bigger deal over Cruz spending less than 24 hours in Cancun than you have about Cuomo literally murdering thousands of elderly people than laughing about it on national "news" with his brother.
Democrats have now normalized blaming politicians for not “proofing” every building before a natural disaster hits. Can’t wait for the next natural disaster to hit a blue state so I can blame every Democrat for it and watch as Back and company lack all self awareness and tell me I’m stupid and that they have no control over natural disasters.
Funny how AOC has done more for Texas during this winter storm, than Texas’s own elected officials.