I am curious what everyone's take is on this Gamestop short sale thing going on. Do you think the redditers are wrong? The financial institutions? Mix?
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I am curious what everyone's take is on this Gamestop short sale thing going on. Do you think the redditers are wrong? The financial institutions? Mix?
You may have been scared enough to think that in your little bunker consuming only right wing garbage 24/7 but you are over exaggerating it.
Criminal activity overshadowed peaceful protests over the summer of 2020. I don't know where you are getting the last 4+ years from.
Notable criminal activity took place in May, Aug, and Oct. The criminal activity that did take place was hardly unabated with little or no control or not citizen protection like you claim.
How do you define so-called "democrat cities"? You have to take into account the entire makeup of a state's political body. None are pure democrat only plus citizens in every state are a mix of all political parties.
Do you have any stats on your claims whatsoever? Over 2020 there were 25 deaths at the protests, 11 due to political reasons, and 14 occurred in proximity of protests. There are murderers on both sides of the political spectrum included in those deaths most notable being the boogaloo boi who shot 2 sheriff's deputies, the so-called antifa guy who shot a Proud Boy then was gunned down by US Marshalls as retaliation, and the kid who shot 3 people dead in Kenosha.
Not going to argue that there wasn't other assaults going on but there isn't much information available on that. I can find not 1 single instance of rape. Source?
Property damage does come in at 1.2 billion between May 26-June 8, 2020.
See above on the "democrat cities" bullshit.
Yes, because they were. There were hundreds of demonstrations over the course of 2020. Incidents with major criminal activity happened in a tiny fraction of those protests.
Yes. Because they plain and simply were mostly peaceful. Thats reality.
Most normal people can recognize the difference between sensationalist rightwing bullshit and normal journalism. You've been programmed to not believe anything from any other source by the very ones feeding you over sensationalized agenda driven propaganda.
You keep repeating these lies and I keep telling you NO ONE CONDONES CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR. No democrat mayor or governor or citizen wants cities to burn or people to get hurt. You are way off base. In fact I'm going to say you're fucking insane to think that. You need serious help because your mind has been poisoned so badly you cannot see reality. You have been so thoroughly brainwashed to believe that the "left", the party you also associate with snowflakes and soyboys and hippies and singing kumbaya is also some satanic worshiping cabal of pedophile cannibals. You are the poison. Democrats just want equality, justice, and fairness for everyone including you.
I really think it's interesting these users banded together to hoax a stock, screw some investors who were pricing Gamestop down and become millionaires in the meantime. Professionals have been doing this for a long time, just not conspicuously and under a corporate guise. That Robinhood and several others went in to curtail individuals from performing the same transactions will bring some much needed scrutiny on the markets, equity funds and hopefully a reinvestiture into the CFTB.