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I'm pretty sure there is going to be an amazing Supreme Court case that is going to heavily question the judicial power of the Senate on a private citizen. He will NOT be tried while President. He will be a private citizen. Impeachment and Convictions of are 100% designed as a method to remove political and judicial officials. As a private citizen, the actual court systems exist for him.
Historically, resignation doesn't protect you from the Senate trial, but leaving the office for events out of your control, such as expulsion or your term ending would.
This WaPo article would seem to confirm that:
I agree that his actions before and during the insurrection when he delayed intervening were impeachable, but given the likely hood of not going anywhere, I wonder how wise it was. But, being somewhat left of center myself, I'd imagine crazies on the far left would have cried holy hell if Congress didn't do it. I think I'll move to Scotland and just work at an inn. Better than putting up with this whole mess.
The crazies on the far left have been working on impeachment since before Trump's inauguration. It doesn't matter if it has grounds, this is nothing but a political hatchet job. Democrats have been trying to undo the 2016 election results for 4 years now and this was their last chance to "get even".
And the Republicans aren't much better... they don't want Trump to run again in 2024 and will do anything they can to make sure that happens.