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Is Puerto Rico racist now? Do democrats still want to make it a state?
Reading the comments.
Republicans and democrats having a complete meltdown.
Jimmy Dore is about as left as you can get, yet for some reason he is refusing to suck Biden's/Kamala's dicks like the media is doing, and instead continues to call out how horrible they are and how bad they are for the progressive left!
Must mean he is now one of those far-right, evil, racist, nazi's we keep hearing about in the news who don't support bending over and taking it in the ass for The Party.
Jimmy Dore is one of the few leftists who have any sort of morals or convictions. He doesn't like Biden or Harris (and didn't like Hillary) because they aren't left enough, but rather than fall in line like every other "progressive" does every time Bernie or a Bernie clone isn't the Democrat candidate he calls the Democrat candidate out for the shit they do.
I think Jimmy Dore got frustrated even with Bernie this election cycle because of some of the dumb shit he was saying though. I don't agree with a lot of Jimmy's positions (I honestly doubt I agree with any political position he holds), but I actually watch his videos sometimes because I admire anyone who can stick to their convictions.
Yes, that's right. In California, you need to put your mask on/off between bites while eating at a restaurant.
Also, minimize the number of times you take your mask off.
So.... take bigger bites?
What a joke that state has become.... and the retarded people keep voting these retards into office.
Holy fuck.