I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum.
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Mayors back reparations that could cost $6.2 quadrillion, or $151M per descendant
First of all...Quote:
Long at the center of the debate has been the potential price tag of paying slavery descendants, for which studies broadly include most or all of the 41 million black people in the country.
A new study from three college professors said that the ultimate cost could be $6.2 quadrillion. Quadrillion comes after trillion, and one quadrillion has 15 zeros.
The study suggests a payment of $151 million each, and the cost to every person would be $18.96 million.
Okay seriously now.
1) How do they figure "all" or even "most" black people in the US are direct descendants of slaves? Haven't we had a lot of black people immigrating to the US for like over a hundred years now and their descendants were never slaves in the US too?
3) 6.2 quadrillion? So the US dollar becomes literally useless over night. Nice.
4) How does this even make sense? The US economy is currently 20 trillion dollars a year so even if we assumed the US economy has been this large since it was founded (which of course isn't even remotely true even if you account for inflation), that would mean the entire US economy would only be 4.8 quadrillion dollars in its entire history, so reparations have to be MORE than the entire history of the US economy? What kind of madness is this?
5) Talk about literally bribing voters with taxpayer dollars. Shit I gotta be honest, I might be tempted to vote for a Democrat if they promised to give me 151 million dollars.
Fuck you racist. There are obvious answers to this question, you want to waste our time providing them so you can debate them as if you don't know better.
Fuck you racist. Slavery, systemic racism, and the concept of reparations is laughable to you.
Again, fuck you racist. The amount of money the US has on hand, or the state of the US economy, has nothing to do with the righteousness of reparations. Your racism is evident when you act as if it does.
Go fuck yourself. Racist.
I'm really starting to think there is some severe self-hatred inside of you. You keep repeating "fuck you racist" over and over.. an image of you yelling, face red, eyes bulging as you type it.. as if you say "fuck you racist" over and over enough times, you will be absolved of your past deeds. There is another way.
**This brought to you by a licensed internet forums psychologist** You can pay on your way out.
Someone got triggered last night.