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Funny, when Obama noted that many of the protesters were just exercising their right to peacefully protest, but there was a minority of "criminals and thugs who tore up the place" there was no huge outcry about him calling them thugs. Strange isn't it. Hell, he even doubled down and his Press Secretary gave the following statement to the media;
"At the same time, we saw a small minority of individuals engaged in other activity that was not responsible that is clearly a crime," Earnest said.
He added: "And when you're looting up a convenience store or you're throwing a cinder block at a police officer, you're engaging in thuggish behavior and that's why the President used that word."
Why wasn't CNN or MSNBC calling him out for the racist he clearly was for using the term thug? Oh, right, that big D in front of his name.
You're editorializing what he said because you and your political party have nothing.
So far at least 2 people have been shot dead due to these riots, one police officer and one looter who was shot by a business owner. Trump said this would happen but leftist nitwits such as yourself didn't want to listen and now blood is on the hands of Democrat leaders who stood by and did nothing as their cities burned down and people such as yourself also have blood on your hands because rather than agree with Trump you wanted the exact opposite which was for the riots to continue until someone died.
Well now you have it, 3 people have died so far due to these riots. Were their lives worth it for the slight chance that it might hurt Trump at the polls?
Let's follow this flawed logic to it's irrational source. Blood on my hands;
Because I'm a police officer in Minneapolis? No, I'm not.
Because I'm a police officer ay all? Again, nope.
Because I'm from Minnesota? Nope.
Because I'm lightly completed? Nope.
Because I'm a member of a Union? I am, but doesn't sound Dreaven enough.
Because I'm a Democrat? Sounds Dreavenish, but we know political affiliation is unrelated and to my knowledge his political leanings are unknown.
Damn, no, I can't figure out any possible connection.