Let's be honest... Republicans do the same exact things. If you aren't a Bible carrying, NRA supporting, vowing to lower taxes, etc... don't bother running.
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I knew I saw this in a panning shot.
I thought it was a great debate.
Webb was entertaining as hell and I was sad Anderson kept cutting him off. His highlight was that he casually mentioned he'd killed a guy when asked what enemy he was most proud of. I think he has the most odds of attracting republican votes with most of his views as coming across as conservative. He reminded me of Red Forman. He didn't handle a lot of questions very well and potential is there but I don't see him making the cut.
Bernie, oh Bernie. The man of big ideas but his biggest problem, that Webb addressed, is that they're easier said than done. Even if he's elected I don't think he'd be able to accomplish what he thinks and he hasn't laid out anything I'd consider a solid workable plan. Breaking up the banks is one thing but saying he's going to get at the top 1% by increasing payroll taxes, well, I don't think that's going to get at as much money as he thinks. You'd have to get at the money that's already theirs, the 1%'s and I don't think he can. He also needs to come up with some new things to say as he just kept bringing everything back to how corrupt and terrible America is and how he's going to solve everything with taking money from the 1%.
Hiliary, as much as I'm surprised to be saying won this debate. That woman is a hell of a wordsmith and regardless of a few comments in this thread so far, I really don't feel like she played the woman card too much. I think twice? Either way, it'd be dumb for her not to bring it up and drum up some excitement as electing something 'different' that clearly worked for Obama. The thing that bugged me the most about her though was that she always had that smug/amused look on her face like, "Aw, wasn't that a cute question?". She is a strong debater and never lost her cool. She had experience and knew how to answer every question with the right words and support.
O'Malley I think gained the most steam from this debate since I don't feel many knew who he was yet was a great debater. His biggest problem will come from being Governor of Maryland but leaving it in shambles. He had a lot of great answers but his track record says, "I can't get shit done." even though the entire debate he kept saying he already did everything talked about in the debate. He also kind of fell into a common problem Bernie has and putting himself on repeat about the "plan for a clean electric grid by 2050" we get it, bro. He was rather smug about gun control and tackling the NRA and he DID do something about it, problem is it didn't work for Maryland.
Chaffee, well this guy was just happy to be there. Haha. Not wasting any more time on that guy.
All in all, I thought it was honestly a great debate. We were able to see clear differences between candidates and they were able to disagree with each other without going at each others throats. They were much more poised than the republican debates I've watched and honestly didn't spend the majority of the time just republican bashing. Hell, I think Trump was brought up maybe once. That appeals to me.