No, I said it was because I didn't feel like going to school because of the homosexual agenda being pushed by district liberals.
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She wrote the article based on his agenda provided to her by the WH. I'm suggesting she, working class peon, wrote something based on his agenda. Then the political hacks edited and published it to make it appear he was just golfing and tweeting, which based on his agenda, was true save for I think a 3 hour meeting with military folks (per his agenda).
I think you, and everyone else, is overreacting to some no one getting fired for nothing. I think the press is biased, sure, but this whole thing is blown out of proportion.
Couldn't they have just waited until Trump was on the golf course to publish this story? They rushed this story out as fast as possible to make Trump look bad.
If it wasn't her decision to rush the story out then I agree that's on whoever makes those decisions and again I'm fine with everyone involved being fired.
For those confused Joe Biden actually said this, I'm not sure if this is his voice here (sure sounds like it), but there is a video out there of him actually saying this. The cartoon was created for comedic effect.
Except for R.D. Rosen.