I love when Democrats pretend to give a shit about Jews. I'm sure by next week they'll be back to demanding Israel capitulate to all of Palestine's demands.
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I know, look at these Dem crocodile tears: "We must be clear. White supremacy is repulsive. This bigotry is counter to all this country stands for. There can be no moral ambiguity." Oops that's Paul Ryan.
Okay well look at this typical coastal ivory tower elite: "The #WhiteSupremacy groups will see being assigned only 50% of blame as a win.We can not allow this old evil to be resurrected." Oops that's Marco Rubio.
Well here, this time I've got it for sure: "Blaming "both sides" for #Charlottesville?! No. Back to relativism when dealing with KKK, Nazi sympathizers, white supremacists? Just no." Oops that's 14 term Republican Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.
After all the whining you did about how I'm not really a Republican, which Republicans are saying what you're saying, Terry? Look around at the people on your side. I know you're scared to, because you know the truth, and you don't like it, but you're the only one who can set you free.
I wish I could say I believe in your ability to do so.
So because those Republicans want to pretend there wasn't plenty of failures to go around means...what, exactly?
Yeah, the guy who plowed his car into people is an asshole who needs to have the book thrown at him. Good thing I'm someone who believes in the death penalty!
The white nationalists who were attacking "counter protesters" are assholes too.
But why are we stopping there?
Where were the police to keep the peace?
Why didn't the mayor do more to prepare his city for the rally and the "counter protest"?
Why were "counter protesters" there with baseball bats and beating on people?
Oh, yes, pointing this shit out makes me a Nazi. Why even try to have a rational discussion when you can just drop the Nazi word and claim moral victory.
I guess at this rate in another year the word Nazi will have lost all meaning and no one will give a shit about it anymore, sort of like the word racist has now lost all meaning and it's practically just another way of saying "HELLO!" these days.
I went to a Nazi rally once...
It was by accident though. I was contracted to sing in a big concert hall. I do Children's television programming, so I figured the audience would be kids. But when I got there, the lights were shined in my face when I went out on stage and I couldn't see who I was performing to...Then the cops raided the place because it was an illegal rally.
I was set up by the man who previously held my time slot, another children's television host, who was disgraced and fired for taking bribes.
He ended up redeeming himself, though.
It means it's not a Democrats versus Republicans issue.
It means you're not associating yourself with Republicans.
It means the people you are associating with yourself have some other name.
You know what it is.
I know you know what it is.
You know I know you know what it is.Tada!Quote:
Oh, yes, pointing this shit out makes me a Nazi. Why even try to have a rational discussion when you can just drop the Nazi word and claim moral victory.
But instead of you deciding 'oh crap, I'm associating myself with Nazis, I should probably stop doing that,' you've decided that the real problem is that people are noticing you doing it. Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio, Terry. I'm not making this stuff up.
But heck, let's look at it in reverse. Which person would have to say 'these people deserve 100% of the blame, period,' for you to reconsider your position? Or are you so convinced of your brilliance that there is literally no other person in the world who could change your mind?
You're right, I associate myself with myself. Glad to see you finally realize this after 7 years.
Wow I was just kidding when I said you were calling me a Nazi, but here you are.
So Tgo01, the person who almost always takes Israel's side in things, is a Nazi. Fantastic work, Latrin. Fantastic.
This is like when those radical leftists literally refer to a Jew as a Nazi.
Tgo, you're supporting the newest Confederate President. Did you know you were a Confedrate or is this news?