Concealing their identities from the unsuspecting public and operating under the code name 'Hydra', the cabal will stop at nothing in order to retain their diabolical dominance over the entire world. Blackmail, violence, assassinations, riots, and murder are its weapons. No nation, no government, no individual could withstand their power. Nothing, that is, until the cartel murdered the wrong person: Sarah Paige's lover.
Treachery demands revenge. Mayhem and murder demand retribution and Sarah is just the woman do deliver it. As she begins her quest for vengeance, Sarah finds herself drawn into a vortex of deceit, betrayal, and treachery. Driven by her thirst to avenge the wanton death of her lover, she willingly thrusts herself into the maw of evil, her guiding beacon the need to satisfy her craving for retribution. Little did she realize that the scope of the challenge before her could well be more than even a dedicated woman would be able to overcome!