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Hey sellstuff1 is back to embarrass himself again. Must mean some bad news going around for Democrats.
Oh yeah, the socialist dictator they have been defending the past few months (years) is ordering his troops to run over citizens with trucks.
Hey Dreaven remember when you, on the same day, called WaPo fake news and also lauded it for it's fine work in reporting because you think any media that goes against your carefully-constructed brainwashing is fake, and any news that agrees with your carefully-constructed brainwashing is 100% fact?
GDP is 1.7% under Obama.
Democrats: This is the new normal for the US, deal with it.
Millions of jobs leave the US under Obama.
Democrats and Obama: What sort of magic wand does Trump have? Those jobs aren't coming.
GDP doubles under Trump. Those jobs come back and millions more created.
Democrats: Trump is just riding the wave Obama created!!1111!!