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I only trust a Glock brand Glock 19. The highest rated fully automatic, sentient pistol that doesn't go on a rampage.
So Cortez literally threatened her fellow Democrats in the House that if they don't stop voting the way she doesn't like she's going to make sure they don't get reelected. She added them to a list. One could call it an enemies list.
But let me guess, Back, this STILL isn't the actions of a crazy dictator in the making, right?
Let's run down the list again:
Threatens politicians who oppose her
Wants to dictate where people can live
Wants to dictate how much money people can make
Wants to take away guns
Wants to tear down your house
Toyed with the idea of telling you how many kids you can have
She's she the boss and the voters are poor people who shouldn't question her
Has threatened the media to the point where they are afraid to cross her now
Defends open bigots and anti-semites
Threatens private citizens to bring them before congress for criticizing her
Yup. A few more years of white guilt and the US will have their first dictator, voted in by Democrats no less.
Scale of 1-10, how scared are you of her, Tgo?
She hasn't actually done anything other than talk yet. She'll be stonewalled by her own people.