So, how many accounts do you have now?
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These tards are still at it. :lol:
So that is where cwolff disappeared to. Running that FB page must be a full time thing.
Watching the very real news and Democrats on Twitter go crazy over Republicans attacking Malia Obama for underage drinking...except almost no Republican gave a single shit about Malia Obama drinking.
Seriously every time I've even seen someone talking about Malia it was either a Republican saying they didn't care that she was drinking or it was a Democrat outraged that Republicans are making a big deal about it. I first heard about this a couple of days ago and didn't even know what was going on and didn't care enough to look into it. It wasn't until a few minutes ago I read an article explaining everything that's going on.
The tl;dr version is the Daily Mail posted photos of Malia Obama drinking and some Republican I've never heard of who has a show on Sirius XM made a comment about her being in the 1% and engaging in underage drinking and enjoying her privilege, and apparently this one dumbass making a random comment about privilege means all Republicans are frothing at the mouth over her drinking.
20 YEAR OLDS DRINK ALCOHOL?!?!?!!!!???! THIS IS UNPRECEDENTED OMFGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111