He's the one confused. It's like talking to complete stupid...total waste of time.
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I guess the democratic party doesn't believe in Obama anymore:
This was back 2009. Amazing what a decade brings!
Rumor has it that the woman who accused Fairfax of rape has hired Ford's legal team. This really is the story that keeps on giving.
If this is true then we would literally have the exact same situation; woman accusing a political figure of a rape that happened decades ago, the woman didn't tell anyone, no corroborating evidence, he said/she said situation, there are no other accusations against the man, the exact same legal team representing the woman.
The only differences would be:
Fairfax has admitted the sex happened, he just claims the woman wanted it. Kavanaugh claims the sex never happened, pretty sure he said he didn't even know Ford.
Ford couldn't give a date, time, or place of the alleged rape, whereas Fairfax's accuser has given a date, time, and place.
Fairfax's accuser's story has been consistent every time she has told it. Ford's story changed several times.
And of course the only one that really matters as to why Fairfax's story hasn't gotten nearly as much coverage: Fairfax is a Democrat and Kavanaugh is a conservative.
This is somehow better than the VA fiasco going on now:
So basically Avenatti, the man who beat his girlfriend then got super pissed about it, then got away with it because liberals in California don't give a shit about crimes when committed by another liberal, has now decided his rage must be unleashed on unsuspecting lawyers since he has to lay low and stop beating his girlfriends for a while.
So this lawyer on Twitter said something Avenatti didn't like so Avenatti actually tracked down the guy's Skype phone number, called him up, and yelled at him for several minutes. When the guy tells everyone on Twitter how crazy Avenatti is he admits it happened and says that the lawyer must be put in his place after daring to cross him.
Avenatti is an absolute basket case, no wonder the far left is in love with him.