I think he was making the comment of no security crisis. Which is just something said in ignorance, unless he has actually come out of a coma SECONDS before they brought him to the border wall.
A wall that is doing what a wall does.
Printable View
Chris Cuomo of CNN has apparently had enough of the left's narrative regarding the wall. The following video has captured a few of those moments:
In the first segment, starting around the 29 second mark, Chris is like hey we already have a barrier along parts of the border and the president is saying we need more of that exact same kind of barrier. The funny part is when he's saying "There is already a barrier down there" the two on the left (mostly the woman) are nodding their heads in agreement thinking Chris is gonna say something like "There is already barrier there! We don't need a wall!" but as soon as he says "There is already a barrier system along the border, they need more" and suddenly the head nodding stops.
In the second segment Don Lemon and Chris are talking about Trump's at the time upcoming national address, and Don Lemon is like "Hey we should put Trump's speech on a delay", implying he wants to censor parts of Trump's speech if CNN decides it's "fake news" or some such shit. Chris is like "You cray cray?" He then goes on to shit all over the left's narrative saying Trump has the right to address the American people directly regarding border security and saying that wanting barriers along the border isn't propaganda, isn't immoral, and isn't wrong.
I wonder if Chris has finally had enough of CNN just being in business to trash Trump 24/7.
Put the fake news down! Trump's poll numbers actually went up for a few days after the government shutdown then started going down. Right now according to RCP his approval numbers are down .5% compared to when the shutdown started. It's too early to tell if this is just normal fluctuation or if this is having a real impact on his approval rating.
You fucking toe the line or they will try to ruin you.
This story is hilarious. CNN apparently asked this local news station in San Diego if they would be willing to have one of their reporters on CNN to discuss the border wall in San Diego. The station said they offered up one of their reporters who has done research on this very subject recently, including multiple interviews with border patrol agents who say the wall works. The station said they don't see the wall itself as an issue and believe it works, their only problem is with how migrants are treated at the border. Once they informed CNN of this stance CNN said they were no longer interested.
Can we all please just stop referring to CNN as news now? I hereby decree that anyone who links to a CNN article as a source to backup their statements should be mocked and ridiculed.
oMg WhAt ThE hElL iS tHiS?!?!?!?!?!?!?1