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"One person, one vote" IS flawed. I just demonstrated why in the post you quoted. You're okay with fewer than 15% of the counties, almost all of which happen to be the richest counties, deciding who becomes president? You do know this is the main reason why France is on fire at the moment right? Because the French elite elected a globalist who only cared about the rich and wanted to ignore and tax the shit out of the more rural areas of France. This is why each state gets so many House members and Senators, to ensure each part of the country is represented and the large and powerful cities don't run the entire country. Look, Back, my man. You can be dumb all you want, that's the beauty of living in the US. But at least try to put forth an argument into your own words and stop repeating buzz words you hear on MSNBC such as "one person, one vote."
Our Electoral College isn't really winner-take-all though, that's just the system most states decided to go with.