I fapped.
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I fapped.
And here Warriorbird is admitting he hangs on my every word on the PC yet claims he doesn't read the politics folder because I'm annoying.
[Private]-GSIV:Gellert: "And you claimed I couldn't let it go. Lulz."
[Private]-GSIV:Gellert: "Enjoy your little playpen."
Also I don't recall telling you that you couldn't let it go, WB. Seriously, you might want to quit teaching and check yourself into a mental hospital. Stop being selfish and think of the kids.
To be fair, he was called out for being a gigantic pussy here and hasn't really posted since. Shouldn't we give him kudos for FINALLY figuring out how not to sound like a flaming wuss in every post?
PS - Dear WB: I'm not white knighting for tgo01 here so don't freak out again and have another relapse. You need to stay on the wagon. WE BELIEVE IN YOU!
It's bumpy for his pleasure.
For sure. It's just funny that he apparently reads everything I say here and just brings it to LNet now. I hardly pay attention to LNet these days so I can only imagine the utter bullshit he spews on a daily basis. He also sends me private messages on LNet sometimes out of the blue in regards to shit I say in the politics folder here.
He accuses me of white knighting sometimes too. I asked him why that was a bad thing but he never did answer me. I mean he never points it out when someone posts in his favor in a debate and I've seen him do the same for others. I guess that's not white knighting though :shrug:
So confusing.