You're retarded.
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I mean, St Jude doesn't refuse anyone 18 or younger, unless it is one of the very rare cancers they don't treat, in which case I bet the Shriners do. They treat for HIV and other things too. I don't think Obamacare made a difference for children with cancer because these charities were already handling it. This is, once again, T4F throwing out stupid, unsubstantiated opinion.
Yeah, the charities out there clearly cover the whole problem. I mean, why else would there still be kids dying from lack of treatment?
And for the kids who are just orphaned because their parent died of cancer, who cares?
Calling someone an idiot after saying we're better off without the ACA because of "all of the charities out there" is...a bold move.
Well yeah, that's why I wanted her to answer the question, even though she was almost definitely going to dodge it as if it was a payment to help her relative get legal or something while that 10x flaring dildo on the shelf calls out to her.
Thanks for ruining everything. Reported.
And yet.... if you have a child, you qualify for medicaid. And if you make too much to qualify for medicaid, you qualify for CHIP. And if you make too much to qualify for CHIP, and your child still isn't getting treated for their cancer, the problem is not federal mandates but the fact that you are a monster.
And cancer survival rates for children with medicaid are similar to those with private insurance.
So whether you are for or against the Affordable Care Act, screaming "IF YOU DON'T LIKE OBAMACARE ALL THE CHILDREN WILL DIE OF CANCER" is profoundly asinine.
You obviously don't know the facts. I mean, you're the one that also claimed Blizzard pays 5m a month per WoW server and that Impeachment can be used for things other than crimes. Any child in the US can be treated if they are brought to St Jude's or Shriners, if a child dies because of lack of treatment, it isn't because that treatment was obtainable. And the ACA had ZERO impact on this. You are a fucking retard.
I suppose we should reserve judgment until she's finished watching the youtube video tutorial for MS Paint to show us her doctorate in internal medicine.
LMAO Gelston is pro cancer. What a monster!