Originally Posted by
16 years of you acting like a jackass, 16 years of me putting you in your place. You still have not learned.
Dude.. I already issued a decision. You won. Save this type of stupidity for your next title defense.
Hold it right there.
You edited your post to add "what NZ needed to stop this".
Your original question, which I answered, was "Like what specifically would you implement as more gun regulations?".
We were discussing the tragedy in New Zealand.. and in my defense, I took a lazy look at your post, realized it was stupid and glossed it over. Upon closer examination, I realized it wasn't just stupid, it was colossally stupid and as the commissioner, it was my sworn duty to fully illustrate how utterly stupid it was and therefore gave it my full attention.
Dude, before that post, you were losing. That single post put you back into the match.
Hold up again. Check your facts. NZ does not register.
Of course there is more context to this. I invite everyone to read back and figure it out because frankly I'm tired of dealing with your poor reading comprehension, baiting, and your general bullshit.
What do you mean by "register"? You do realize that each and every legal gun owner has to apply for a license that is approved by the police department, right? You believe that there should be an extra step to be placed on some magical "GUN REGISTRATION" that is different from applying for a license?
Please elaborate what, in your head, "Register" is precisely.
See above. But I believe requiring insurance will be another layer of requirements for people to pass through to responsible gun ownership.
Insurance is for after the fact, not before.
And if every single law abiding citizen in New Zealand must first apply with the police department, then go through their background check, then get approved to purchase a gun that includes training... how specifically do you believe that if we were to institute these gun regulations here, we would do it somehow better than New Zealand and prevent this tragedy, given that there's already like 4 guns per American out there now?
Will this stop all mass killings with guns? No. Bombs? No.
Obviously, given the events in question.
Boring threads on the PC where people misconstrue things over and over and over again? No.
This thread was anything but boring. And that "misconstrue" comment was nothing more than a kick in Androidpk's nuts while he's down. Very rude.. I believe you owe him an apology. He's on your side now... embrace him.
But doing something is better than nothing and sending thoughts and prayers ain't cutting it.
Well, let's do here what New Zealand does there and this will never happen!
Absolutely. I think the fuck head knew exactly that and is looking to be treated like that other Dutch fuck with the Playstation.
Or... he's lived in New Zealand his whole life... so...
Nope. But we all know how memory is the second thing to go, you old as dirt bastard.
We will see..... I could be wrong, but given how often you are wrong... and how often you regurgitate liberal talking points.. I'm going to go with my gut on this one.