These are the same Backlash/time4fun type retards that believe the Republicans kept the Senate due to gerrymandering....
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Epic meltdown by Trump today in his presser. Sad that Acosta had his credentials pulled because of the orange fucboi's tantrum.
That exchange was hilarious. Trump didn't know what to do when he refused to relinquish the microphone and kept asking hard questions.
Guy had his questions answered multiple times. He constantly talks over both the president and the other reporters, he's a giant drama queen that needed to be called out. People that act like Acosta need to be shut down.
comments to the video:
"That reporter was horribly disrespectful"
"I hate this. I am no fan of Obama but while he is president, he still deserves the respect that liberals refused to give George Bush."
"Some journalists are scumbags, just as some non journalists are. Respect and empathy is disintegrating, not only in Gods chosen countruy the US of A, but all over the World. Shut up and LISTEN, befor you interupt. Jerk!"
Here's the video:
People are gonna pull whatever meaning they want out of it. I just love seeing how Trump reacts when he's not insulated behind Sara Sanders or a cheering MAGA crowd.
That press conference was a trainwreck and he fired the AG less than 24 hours after the midterms.
Before anyone says Sessions resigned, his letter stated “At your request”.
Trump, for the first time in his life, is about to be held accountable. I’d be scared if I were a criminal and someone was about to hold me accountable.