That is exactly what happens to a parasite....
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Actually it is just more common to think of a parasite as from another species, but the definition is "an organism that lives on or in a host and gets its food from or at the expense of its host".
Slavery isn't the same because they could have gotten their own food and shelter but weren't allowed to. A fetus cannot do either of those. Any other arguments?
A human fetus that is killed will never be given the chance to obtain their own food and shelter because they weren't allowed to. A murdered human cannot do either of those things. Any other arguments?
P.S. Can you name a parasitic organism that feeds off it's own species?
So, it is your contention that if they were simply removed they would be able to do both of these? If you remove a slave from slavery they can do both of these. It's not an apt analogy.
An adelpho-parasite (from the Greek αδελφός (adelphos), brother) is a parasite in which the host species is closely related to the parasite, often being a member of the same family or genus. An example of this is the citrus blackfly parasitoid, Encarsia perplexa, unmated females of which may lay haploid eggs in the fully developed larvae of their own species. These result in the production of male offspring.[21] The marine worm Bonellia viridis has a similar reproductive strategy, although the larvae are planktonic.
No, it's my contention that if the child wasn't murdered it would do both of these things, just like you and I.
That aside this is not the point I'm trying to make. Obviously your belief is that abortion is not the ending of a life and others like myself believe it is the wrongful ending of a life.
I think we can both agree that abortion is a hot topic in politics?
Considering this, if tomorrow the President signed into law the abolishing of Abortion would you suddenly change your belief? If the Federal government threatened states that didn't follow the new law with occupation, would you stand with the Federal government or the states? Would these states be considered "evil" for not following Federal law?
So in short this would not change your belief because you are convinced that a child in the womb is not a human being. Just as at the time (and long after) it was common belief among many that blacks were not of the human species.
It's not hard to imagine that 150 years from now people will look back and say the exact same things about abortion that we say about slavery today and not be able to understand how we didn't see it as inhumane.