Now who's lying? You are literally saying the because Keith Ellison doesn't want borders (a common libertarian position) the whole Democrat party wants open borders. I assure you, this is not the case.
Why lie?
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Wanna know what this is?
This is a note from Trump telling the CFO of the Trump Org to pay off a legal settlement of $100,000 from the Donald J Trump Foundation.
Since it's apparently escaped conservative notice- Trump was indicted in June by the state of New York for grossly misusing his "charitable" foundation.
Hey wait- this is starting to sound familiar.Quote:
The petition alleges the foundation was “little more than a checkbook” for payments to not-for-profits. Trump allegedly used charitable assets to pay off the legal obligations of other entities he controlled, to promote Trump hotels (which are obviously not charitable organizations), to purchase personal items, and to support his presidential election campaign. The petition charges a number of specific instances, such as misusing foundation funds to settle legal disputes for his golf club, and to purchase a $10,000 portrait of himself.
Remind me- what do we do when we suspect a political figure of self-dealing with their personal foundation and using it as a personal slush fund?
Oh plus it looks like he committed a campaign finance felony or seven with Cohen (not even getting into the bank fraud issues), and the Trump Org was also involved.
Oh and of course the Trump Tower meeting, conspiracy to defraud the US, etc, etc.
So you know what- you don't give a damn about people breaking laws. Your motives are far more sinister, and you're nothing but a massive, raging hypocrite who supports a President who is nothing more than a common thug and felon.
Oh wow, I hit a milestone this month and didn't notice. Over 1,000,000 in neg rep. Thank you politics folder and my committed followers. It would not have been possible without you.
Latest Reputation Received (-1046170 point(s) total)
The hilarious part is you think rep ever mattered and think it's funny it's now meaningless, when you and your crew are responsible for making words such as racist and sexist meaningless, words that used to actually matter.
I see you have your priorities straight.
Oh racism and sexism are still meaningful words. It's just you warped your brain to be able to ignore it. I know it makes you feel safer and less threatened to pretend the left ruined these words, but I assure you, that's just the racism and misogyny talking.
This way you don't have to blow your mind when trump wants to grab 'em by the pussy, ask Asian intel officers uncomfortable questions about "where are you from" and tell us that a Hispanic border patrol agent speaks perfect English. You don't even have to address these things. Just ignore it because the mean old liberals made racism and sexism meaningless.
Here's a post from a FB user about the racism we're seeing in our President and his base. Read it and tell me it's wrong.
"A man in Iowa kills a young woman out for a run and hides her body in a cornfield. Unspeakably horrific.
About the same time, a different man in Colorado kills his pregnant wife and two young daughters, buries his wife, hides his daughters in a fuel tank, then lies to police and makes a public appeal for his “missing” family’s safe return. Unspeakably horrific.
Our president immediately goes ballistic about the first man, haranguing a crowd of supporters on national television on Tuesday within hours of the man’s arrest. He says not a word about the second man. You see, the first happens to be an undocumented Latino, and the second happens to be white and American born, and the president has a white nativist xenophobic racist base to fire up. He needs a galvanizing threat to point to, and he can’t do that by condemning a good ol’ American white guy. No political capital there.
And that, too, is unspeakably horrific.
The first man didn’t kill because he is Latino and undocumented, any more than the second man killed because he is white and was born a US citizen. Those factoids are as irrelevant as whether they were Capricorns, or Catholic, or left-handed, or drove a Chevy, or liked oatmeal for breakfast. There’s no cause and effect.
We must — we must — reject and repudiate this man’s demagoguery, and do so loudly and publicly. It corrupts our national honor and stains our national soul. It shames us not merely that our president does it, but that so many of us cheer him when he does."
cwolff logic: Having the audacity to comment on a murder where the murderer is an illegal alien from Mexico = racist. Literally saying it's a good thing old white people are dying = not racist.
You continue to become a larger piece of shit by the day, cwolff. Right when I think "No, he couldn't possibly sink any lower than this" you surprise me within hours, sometimes within minutes. You have somehow made Androidpk seem like a saint in comparison.