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Meh...not really and not in this case specifically. Trumps employees including his lawyer and campaign manager getting convicted in the same afternoon is most definitely front page newsworthiness. Unfortunately one woman being murdered by a man in Iowa isn't. The only thing that makes Mollie Tibbets a news item is that she was killed by a wedge issue illegal alien.
What I'm saying is that it's unique for the president of the united states attorney and campaign manager to get convicted back to back. A man killing a woman is unfortunately quite common.
Wait.. Fox didn't report on Cohen and Manafort?
Weird.. it was on their "BREAKING NEWS" all day.. which means it was their top story. It's STILL their top story on their website.
The difference is: They didn't spend the entire hour on it like "everyone else in the world" did. That should tell you something right there.
Fuck sake man, just stop.
Don't you see, silly billy. If they stopped talking about the Cohen and Manafort story just ONE SECOND before CNN stopped talking about it then clearly they are trying to sweep it all under the rug and divert attention to a murder by an illegal alien.
This has nothing to do with racism or the generalization of a population. This has everything to do with the fact that this person shouldn't have been here at all and it has cost the life of yet another US citizen.
Now which party wants open borders, get rid of ICE and supports sanctuary cities for people that are here illegally?
These people are de facto criminals just by being here illegally.
You're obviously oversimplifying but that's ok. We all expect that here. Consider this though. In peak prime time yesterday Brett Baier could have been reporting the news that imperils the president. Instead they devoted a considerable chunk of time to a woman being murdered by a man. Did they do that because 90% of women murdered around the world are murdered by a man? Was it a report on the dangers of jogging alone? What made the death of Mollie Tibbets so newsworthy? That's rhetorical and I'll give you the answer.
The reason her murder hit the front of the fox news cycle, bumping Manafort and Cohen for a bit, is because of politics. That's it. The only reason any of you pretend to give a shit is because she was killed by an illegal alien from South of the Border.
That's some cynical shit, but it's true
You lie so much you make time4fun look like Jesus in comparison.
The domestic abuser himself, the deputy chair of the Democrat National Committee. And there are more, but you're far too dishonest to recognize that. I bet even time4fun recognizes these far left morons exist, she's probably one of them.Quote:
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, claims America’s national borders create “an injustice” by keeping Mexican workers from traveling to the United States to look for higher-paying jobs. In an interview with progressive activist Rabbi Michael Lerner, Ellison stated that America’s “prosperity is based on the want that is experienced in other parts of the world” and complained that “people, regular people, cannot go back and forth across the border seeking out the highest wages.”